Example sentences of "what he has [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , he must come to terms with a new awareness of what he has previously accepted , perhaps without thinking , which under the intense microscope of social enquiry may well seem to verge on the ludicrous or to be morally indefensible .
2 It offered a rare relief from what he has otherwise found to be an awkward campaign .
3 Getting into the kingdom becoming a follower of Jesus Christ is not dependant on any of these that we do , but rather on what he has already done .
4 WHEN citizens of the Irish Republic bestow sainthood on Jack Charlton , thinking him to be perhaps the most significant figure in their sporting history , they are not merely responding to what he has already achieved with the national football team .
5 Inwardly he calls upon his pride to remind himself who he is and what he has already achieved .
6 Having noted that Molla Husrev held the combined posts until 877 , Katib Celebi then asserts first that the office of Mufti was made an adjunct to Molla Arab 's teaching at the Sahn ; second , he unaccountably inserts a chronogram for Molla Husrev 's death ; third , he makes the unadorned and apparently irrelevant statement that Abdulkerim was Multi in Edirne and died in 879 ; and fourth , he returns to Molla Arab , essentially repeating what he has already said .
7 The imagination without which he would be imprisoned in ‘ I ’ and ‘ Now ’ is a simulation of perceiving which analogizes to what he has already perceived .
8 The writer , on the contrary , may look over what he has already written , pause between each word with no fear of his interlocutor interrupting him , take his time in choosing a particular word , even looking it up in the dictionary if necessary , check his progress with his notes , reorder what he has written , and even change his mind about what he wants to say .
9 In fact the listener is probably in just the right psychological state of expectation to hear again what he has just heard ( or a slight variation of it ) .
10 Milton can not lift Satan to such great heights and put such great speeches in his mouth and then snatch them back denying in his authorial intrusions what he has just proclaimed through his character .
11 Does the Minister understand that , despite what he has just said , there is still considerable apprehension that the Government will use the existence of the foundation as an excuse for not funding sport properly ?
12 The right hon. Gentleman sounds from what he has just said as though he is a separatist .
13 Does the Minister understand that what he has just said underlines the public 's high regard for search and rescue services provided by the Royal Air Force , particularly in a constituency such as mine , where RAF Leuchars is situated ?
14 If the hon. Gentleman wants to know about claptrap , he should listen to what he has just said .
15 I thank my right hon. Friend for what he has just said about the vile allegations and lies against my hon. and learned Friend — I use both words advisedly — the Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) .
16 Perhaps it is churlish of me , after the kind remarks of the Minister , to venture to comment on what he has just said , but at the risk of being tiresome , may I point out that what I said before was that it does not follow that a decision made by the Home Secretary corresponds with the advice that he receives from the chief inspector .
17 It is important that I should ask the hon. Gentleman carefully to consider what he has just said about my right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General , who set out the legal position as a Law Officer .
18 I am grateful to him for what he has just said .
19 Will the Secretary of State confirm that check-off already requires the prior written consent of employees and that , contrary to what he has just said , an employee can withdraw his consent to that at any time ?
20 Please always tell me the scientific name of your fish if possible , even if it means phoning up your dealer to ask what he has just sold you .
21 So ( v ) what a person says , using the first person singular , present tense , of a psychological verb , is true or false precisely in so far as it is an expression of what he has inwardly observed .
22 Is what was said earlier — what a person says , using the first person singular , present tense , of a psychological verb , is true or false precisely in so far as it is an expression of what he has inwardly observed — true of ‘ I know ’ ?
23 He practises what he has always preached — respect and tolerance for people of whatever religion , who try to live a good life by their own creed .
24 The commonest explanation of King Hussein 's behaviour is that he is only doing what he has always done best : surviving .
25 He exhibits in himself what he has always taught students was the true excitement of learning : the possibility of mastery .
26 What he tells you should be the distilled essence of what he has personally found .
27 However , it must be pointed out that what he has consistently proposed does not require the arts to be subjected to ‘ scientific or quasi-scientific ’ forms of measurement .
28 That being so , B can not be trying to deceive A. The only way in which the assumption that B is cooperating can be maintained is if we take B to mean something rather different from what he has actually said .
29 After what he has now said about a referendum , he had better watch out .
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