Example sentences of "what we [verb] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What we have not done is to describe ‘ what really goes on ’ .
2 As for his colleagues , Mr Smith said : ‘ We 're all agreed that we can not spend what we have not earned and we intend to earn it before we spend it .
3 It quotes John MacGregor , Secretary of State for Education , in support , and John Smith , the Shadow Chancellor , as saying : ‘ We can not spend what we have not earned and we intend to earn it before we spend it . ’
4 What we have not changed is what has made the book so popular with your students , in particular the themes which combine so well the requirements of the exam with the interests of students at this age .
5 of what we do not mean , up against the skin ,
6 No the only thing to regret is what we do not do , which is what happen !
7 What we do not tend to agree about , and what I should reassure you about , is that food is also safer than it was .
8 What we do not want is lessons laid down by law .
9 The difficulty of expressing what we think adequately in matters concerned with assumptions and beliefs means that it is often easier to say what we do not agree with than what we do .
10 What we do not know passionately , offers us no resistance , we pass through it as through air .
11 Of course , it is true that outside the small clearing of what we know lies the unexplored forest of what we do not know .
12 The deeper reason for our doubt — and faith — is that even what we know rests only on the foundations of what we do not know .
13 There is a grey area for all of us , a philosophical no-man's-land between what we know and what we do not know .
14 In modern times we have effectively eliminated possibility 3 by incorporating it within our scheme : Quantum mechanics is essentially a theory of what we do not know and can not predict .
15 What we do not know is who came to power in Northumbria during Ceolwulf 's temporary deposition nor whether there was any connection between the controversies surrounding Wilfrid and those now involving Acca .
16 A question is a way of defining what we do not know .
17 What we do not know is how it squares those beliefs with its later beliefs in market forces , the EC and industrial efficiency .
18 What we do not know is how far these were typical , but it is worth remembering that the letters of both the Pastons and the Stonors are largely concerned with family concerns rather than national politics .
19 One key feature of her method was to differentiate between ( 1 ) what we know ; ( 2 ) what we can guess or infer ; ( 3 ) what we do not know ; ( 4 ) what we would like to know in order to carry the enquiry further .
20 What we do not see , except in isolated cases such as that found in Leeds LEA , is an attempt to bring the enabling qualities of these environments into the education system .
21 What we do not need is another socialist experiment starting next Thursday .
22 There are many things that we are certain of and , although it might be useful to try to doubt these certainties , we should not pretend to doubt what we do not doubt in our hearts .
23 What we did not know , he said , was the effect of strenuous exercise combined with the wrong kind of stress .
24 What we did not see were any examples of pupil-centred enquiry methods being employed by teachers and using materials specifically purchased for this purpose with project funds , as predicted in the proposal documents .
25 Not all of us have had those good experiences , but we can recapture in later life what we did not find in childhood .
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