Example sentences of "what they [vb base] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what they sell you see .
2 Erm it 's been shown that men seem to er connect the word mm with I agree , that 's what they use it to mean whereas the women tend to use mm as I understand .
3 A look at Words and Sounds ; how they 're put together and what they make us do .
4 Levitt concludes that the Italian 's success demonstrates his belief that you should not provide consumers with what they say they want , because their behaviour demonstrates that they will take other features if the product is priced and promoted correctly .
5 It 's always difficult to balance what you feel is best for a client with what they say they want .
6 He 's sold that big and he 's got this now , a Cavalier , what they say they want to do
7 When it is fortified by ‘ in-depth ’ interviews , and addressed to the intensive observation of what people actually do as well as what they say they do , sociological research merges indistinguishably with the work of social anthropologists .
8 Although people do not always do what they say they do , where there is a mismatch between what they do and say , we can assume that there is some reason for this .
9 I 'm talking about opposite what they call you know .
10 The only evidence from that dream is the feeling of childhood — all childhoods , probably : the puzzlement of the child watching from the pavement , wondering what 's going on , what they , the adults are up to , what they want from you , and what they expect you to do .
11 The glamour adverts are about what they think we want to be , then there are the other kind that are supposedly about reality — you know , the ones where they always have Northern accents .
12 A third option is to give the children a collection of expressions in common usage and ask them to discuss them , saying what they think they mean .
13 Other people 's assessments of us are usually based on what they think they know about us .
14 ‘ We learn in the academies , ’ she said , ‘ but not what they think they teach us .
15 Pride is a state in which people seek attention and recognition for what they think they are and what they think they have done .
16 People will be interviewed at the time of taking a photograph and later after they have seen the results in order to ascertain just what they think they have ‘ captured ’ photographically .
17 We wait a little and then I step out of role , remove the goggles , and ask them what they think they have seen .
18 This is what they think I do n't understand , but I do .
19 You 'd know anyway , if you 'd got what they think you 've got , whatever that is .
20 This needs to be done skilfully , and is usually done by trained researchers , who are adept at getting people to talk and at avoiding asking leading questions — because that is not merely cheating , it will lead to you deluding yourself : in this type of interview people are only too eager to tell you what they think you want to know .
21 They 're rude and indifferent , and when they 're not being rude and indifferent they 're licking your boots and telling you what they think you want to hear . ’
22 If they do n't like what they see they spoil it .
23 Now what they see she went .
24 feedback from students on what they feel they have achieved ;
25 She has felt sick ever since the final board interview : four middleaged middle-class men rub their hands at her qualifications , her feminine ability to spot what they want her to say and to say it , her freaky clothes that suggest her safe token Marxism and her fashionably feminist views .
26 " I do n't know what they want me to do . "
27 As Maxine Waters , the US congresswoman for South Central put it , in a sermon in the First American Methodist Episcopal Church last Sunday , ‘ People want to know why I 'm not saying exactly what they want me to say .
28 Presidents , on the other hand , can rarely issue plausible , self-executing commands ; for the most part they must persuade rather than order other political actors to do what they want them to do .
29 In utterly mundane terms it means getting polluters to do what they want them to do .
30 They 're the ones who get everybody else to do what they want them to do , like die for them and work for them and get them into power and protect them and pay taxes and buy them toys , and they 're the ones who 'll survive another big war , in their bunkers and tunnels .
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