Example sentences of "what you [verb] [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's called Totally Pauly , and what you get is this gangling , scarf-draped , tendril-haired , mumbling , stumbling doper addressing the camera — and , by extension , us — as ‘ Bud ’ , accosting strangers on the street , cruising chicks ( ‘ buff nugs ’ , to use his parlance ) on the Strip , or making field trips to beauty pageants , pig farms and rodeos .
2 But in return for its rich density of lovingly dwelt-on , almost novelistic detail , what you lose is any sense of a strong forward pulse or of the play 's irresistible sweep towards doom .
3 What you love are all those glitzy London shops where you can indulge your weakness for expensive baubles . ’
4 The many gaps in the fossil record can be interpreted both ways — as being due to the intrinsic incompleteness of a record based on random serendipitous preservation , or as reflecting the true historical sequence : what you see is all there is .
5 Thus most of the popular WYSIWYG document preparation systems are often condemned as ‘ What You See Is All You Get ’ , but such systems are hugely successful in the market .
6 What you need is some of this . ’
7 What you need is some rest , ’ said Luke .
8 No , Brother , ’ he tapped Athelstan lightly on the fingers , ‘ what you need is more sleep .
9 What you want is that sugar stuff what they 'll take back to nest .
10 Oh no no no no but if the situation is such that er you what you say is that is the s the six months has now started has it ?
11 Is that what you wanted was that the right card to put down ?
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