Example sentences of "what he have say in " in BNC.

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1 Now , contrary to what he had said in The Economics , he acknowledged that this exchange could only be effected via market relations , i.e. ‘ petty-bourgeois economy ’ .
2 Nor could he even remember now what he had said in that burst of spleen .
3 All she had to do was get him to repeat what he had said in Seville — that he wanted her to stay , and she would .
4 And then I thought again of Osvaldo , of what he 'd said in the silver light of the prison yard , his smile and the ‘ Bom dia ! ’ with which he had favoured me , knowing even then the terminating choice , the course that lay before him .
5 I think whilst the Secretary of State has clearly said what he 's said in that decision letter .
6 It may be that what he 's said in court is purely something to get back at you and he does n't really mean it .
7 As I understood the submission , the Attorney-General was not contending that the use of Parliamentary material by the courts for the purposes of construction would constitute an ‘ impeachment ’ of freedom of speech since impeachment is limited to cases where a Member of Parliament is sought to be made liable , either in criminal or civil proceeding , for what he has said in Parliament , e.g. , by criminal prosecution , by action for libel or by seeking to prove malice on the basis of such words .
8 I said to the Leader of the Opposition that ’ jerk ’ is not on the list of unparliamentary expressions but , bearing in mind the nature of this debate , it would help the House if he refined what he has said in the interests of good order .
9 The contract is what he has said in his word .
10 But what he has to say in his tale may represent what we might like to believe such a character 's ribald attitudes towards women , towards his fellow men , and towards conventional morality would predictably be .
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