Example sentences of "what i have [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 I 'd a lump on my head the size of a goose egg ; I 'd been through some kind of hell in the spaces ; I 'd prayed for … it was not what I 'd prayed for at all .
2 She came back with what I 'd asked for .
3 ‘ I was so angry I started to cry , but the stylist insisted it was what I 'd asked for .
4 Ellen Jebeau brought her lips tightly together and drew them inwards between her teeth before she said , with deep bitterness , ‘ I do n't know about it being a time for plain speaking , I can only say that time has shown your ingratitude for what I 've done for you over the years . ’
5 What I 've done for this ----ing .
6 When I think what I 've done for that boy .
7 She said quickly , ‘ Would you like me to go through what I 've done for you ? ’
8 When you go back to your cottage , you 'll see what I 've done for you . ’
9 I said no , she said you wo n't leave the union will you , I said no , she said alright we 'll buy one at Haydock , still in the Lancashire region and the reason why the union is my second love , obviously my first love is me family , is what it 's done for me , but I also think what I 've done for those people who represent me and yourselves in Parliament .
10 Come home and see what you 've done , what I 've done for you . ’
11 Now , generally speaking wi I I I 've act what I 've done for the re-sit paper is that I I pooled a load of questions , some of which went to the first paper and some of which went to the ne and some of which went to the re-sit paper so I do n't know which topics are coming up erm on the re-sit paper .
12 Do you like that , what I 've done for our
13 which is what I 've done for something else and what we simply did was to take an A 4 landscape sheet erm and carve a syllabus over I think that was sixteen or eighteen weeks or something up , and divide it into you know units of competence , elements of competence and the assignments and the homework
14 Do you know I 've just realized that your curtains are nearly like what I 've ordered for the bedroom .
15 Now come and see what I 've got for you . "
16 ‘ You can because of what I 've got for you . ’
17 And what I 've got for you is worth every bit of inconvenience . ’
18 ‘ Come and see what I 've brought for you , ’ was his greeting .
19 ‘ I think you know what I 've come for . ’
20 ‘ As soon as I 've told you what I 've come for , I promise you can throw me out . ’
21 What I had mistaken for affectation was nothing but concentration .
22 Then you walked into my life , and I suddenly realised that what I had felt for Claire may have been sexual attraction , but it was never love . ’
23 She must have briefly feared what I had hoped for .
24 As before , a guard accompanied me to the barracks ; but this time , on the way back , we met two officers : it was exactly what I had hoped for .
25 However , what I had hoped for did happen ; people came away from the workshop with a desire to see how they could use the experience and the insight they had gained within their own establishments .
26 He asked me in German what I had come for but I said ; untruthfully , ‘ Nicht verstehen . ’
27 Whenever in relation to a loved person , idealized place or personal indulgence I find myself pushing out of mind some disagreeable thought , its relevance ( as distinct from its importance ) is not in doubt ; it is enough that it does spontaneously move me against what I have decided for .
28 ‘ He is a strain — but it 's not what I have to do for him — it 's the way he is — he 's always been like that . ’
29 Well , at that point I will end what I have to say for today , and er , carry on with this next week .
30 Though they are what is commonly called our enemies , yet , if they make proper use of what I have laboured for , let them enjoy it with the blessing of God .
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