Example sentences of "what have [verb] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Even other professional groups , such as social workers , have traditionally adopted a passive , even a subservient role , more usually limited to obtaining client acceptance of medical decisions , helping clients come to terms with them , and finding meaning and satisfaction with what has led to their current situation and state of health .
2 I know of no other cichlid anywhere in the world with a comparable tail pattern , and we have no idea what has led to its evolution in this species .
3 What has come to his rescue is an altogether subtler kind of ideas and information-limitation whose effectiveness is , if anything , enhanced by the fact that it can not easily be explained in terms of conspiracies and blunt propaganda .
4 Only once , and perhaps not surprisingly , when he talked about having to explain the implications of what has happened to him to his five-year-old daughter , Camera , did he almost break down .
5 ( a ) Education. : A clear idea of exactly what coronary artery disease means is most important for the coronary patient if he is to comply in the long term with the advice that he is given , and understand what has happened to him .
6 A further dilemma may arise when the individual whom professionals are trying to help has a very different interpretation of his or her circumstances , aspirations and prospects from those of relatives , or where the individual is suspicious and distrustful and does not want even close family to know what has happened to him or her .
7 What has happened to him ? ’
8 Every club worth its salt has a hooligan element , so what has happened to ours ?
9 Most people when they 've experienced a burglary will spend some time , perhaps minutes , perhaps hours , trying to absorb what has happened to them .
10 Bereaved people trying to make sense of what has happened to them often find that one of the most difficult things is to discover that they ‘ can not think straight ’ and when they do their thoughts are often so disturbing and frightening that they feel they 've ‘ gone mad ’ .
11 Many of them so often quite rightly describe what has happened to them as a deep wound resulting from the blow they have received .
12 It says that at least some of the characteristics of this hyper-individualist people can not be explained by what has happened to them in the Ottoman time and since , because these characteristics predate the Ottomans .
13 " Why , what has happened to them ? " said Clara , who felt such a question to be not impertinent but positively requested .
14 And as those talking in this book illustrate , what has happened to them can easily happen to any girl .
15 ‘ And what has happened to them ? ’
16 The women may be " disparaged " ( 4271 ) but are not shown to be outraged at what has happened to them .
17 The Investigation or Enquiry Time — 1787 : ( five years after the poster is displayed ) Three customs and excise officers have " disappeared " ; we are trying to find out what has happened to them .
18 ‘ An issue that is consistently swept under the carpet is the power adults can have over children when they give their stories of what has happened to them , ’ said Prof Turner .
19 I do n't think you 'll and I suppose I make no apologies for including it , because I think we are all very well aware of the terrible tragedy that is happening in in Yugoslavia It 's not not an Anthem that I would have recognised , erm , I was fortunate to go to Yugoslavia on , I think , two occasions , in happier times , and it saddens me tremendously , to see , on the television , to hear on the radio , to read in the newspapers , just what has happened to what was emerging as , not only a very beautiful , but a very successful country .
20 Countless people are appalled by what has happened to their capital city , but feel totally powerless to do anything about it .
21 I thought , what has happened to me !
22 Here is what has happened to me .
23 I may now have an inkling of what has happened to me over the last few years ; I may have lined up a few suspects , even tentatively put my finger on ‘ who done it ’ ; I may have my own private detectives working alongside the regular police , and we may have made an arrest or two , but the file has not been closed .
24 ‘ You see , dear boy , what you have stumbled upon are classic cases of what has happened to me .
25 ‘ However , I think it 's quite tragic what has happened to me and what continues to happen to young men like myself .
26 How can I claim any loyalty to separatism after what has happened to me ?
27 What has happened to me in the group is that my own perceptions of myself and others have been modified by group norms , which may only be mine marginally .
28 What has happened to me ? he thought .
29 I hope he can grow up to be a normal young man in spite of what has happened to me .
30 ‘ Then how do they fit into what has happened to me ?
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