Example sentences of "what [vb -s] in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What goes in this end column , here ?
2 What goes in this end column here ?
3 Correctly feeling that Miranda thought she was being tiresome , she added , ‘ What counts in this tiff — as you call it — is the principle of the thing . ’
4 All of which is a roundabout way of saying that what matters in this world is asking the right questions , rather than knowing the right answers .
5 Layering suspense element upon suspense element , the episode builds up tension almost to breaking point as audiences ponder the big question : ‘ What lives in that city ? ’
6 Kelman stands much closer to the new hero , and more is made of what happens in that hero 's head .
7 ‘ You know what happens in that yard at night when the drunks get going .
8 Now what happens in this bar bar nine ?
9 In Darcy 's Utopia there are bound to be children , but their parents will be carefully selected , and being in short supply they will grow up in a world which loves and admires children and finds them interesting , and does n't herd them together in schools to get them out of the way , dunk them in front of obscene videos to keep them quiet , and slap them about and threaten them in the streets , which is what happens in this society of ours which you seem to find both perfectly ordinary , and , worse , inevitable .
10 The happiest occupation for the cornetto is in playing florid divisions on vocal works — chansons , madrigals and the like , to which its ‘ vocal ’ qualities suit it , or in taking the place of the violin in sonatas and canzonas — and not only where it was a declared option , which is what happens in this recording .
11 You can dream and dream but only what happens in this room night after night is important .
12 What happens in this situation has been well documented :
13 The , in analysis you do n't get er someone else to do it for you or you do n't get the therapist to play the role of your ego which is really what happens in this suggestion .
14 But what happens in these clouds is that certain parts of them , certain areas of the cloud start to collapse , and as they collapse the temperature rises and the collapse increases , and as the temperature rises through a thousand to a million degrees we find that these are the regions where stars form , and it is really the major discovery , as far as astronomy is concerned , of the radio research that we now know a lot more about the early stages of star formation .
15 As we will argue later , this is almost certainly what happens in most BSL interpreting and the message produced will be , at best , ambiguous .
16 And what happens in those cases then ?
17 Erm one of the problems fish have on this is that they lay their eggs in gravel or something like that and where males have their own nest sometimes another male comes along and er takes it over , hijacks it piracy and interestingly enough what happens in those situations a pirate male will come in , displace the existing male from his nest and fertilize a few eggs and then buzz off .
18 If they are really separate from each other , what happens in another universe can have no observable consequences in our own universe .
19 What happens in another country can within seconds affect life in our own country .
20 This is in fact what happens in some countries , eg the USA , Scandinavia , the Netherlands , Germany etc , though not in other countries , eg the UK .
21 The possibilities become more interesting when we begin to ask questions such as ‘ What objects in this database are similar in shape to this one ? ’ .
22 P P G twelve paragraph five fifty three , reactions from the county and district councils please as to how Policy E two satisfies that advice and what follows in that part of the P P G.
23 Despite the lack of studies , much of what follows in this book derives from the application of theories of play to the study of reading .
24 What follows in this Promis Handbook is simply the statement of where we think we are now .
25 The caveat pertains too to what follows in this chapter , further conclusions about causal relations .
26 Variations obviously occur from village to village and from area to area , so that no claim is made that what follows in this chapter applies to each and every village in England .
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