Example sentences of "what [vb past] [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Tell me again what 'appened when you got 'ome .
2 PAMELA : Then , sir , why should your honour be so angry I should tell Mrs. Jervis what passed if you intended no harm ?
3 What occurred after I left was related to me by the men of the village , when I paid the district a second visit some months later .
4 An article which appeared in the paper contained comments by three jurors on what occurred when they retired to consider their verdict in one of the most complex trials in British legal history .
5 This is indeed what happened although he held the office for over a year until the seat was found for him in 1877 .
6 ‘ We would want to find out more about the circumstances of what happened before we take a decision on future screenings , ’ said company spokesman Richard Frost .
7 How much of what happened before she left must he disclose ?
8 You see he does n't know much about what happened before he met me .
9 She has encouraged me to talk about what happened before I got to that stage , and to think about what might have led up to it .
10 I ca n't tell you more than the bare bones of what happened before I arrived , though the polite version is available in old back copies of Gay News and Annual Reports .
11 Evelyn , what happened before I arrived ? ’
12 Now er what happened once you 'd been captured then ?
13 What happened after we left ? ’
14 And what happened after he visited his Scottish HQ in Edinburgh ?
15 ‘ I think I 'd better tell you about what happened after you left , ’ Kelly said quietly .
16 Then , forcing a serious note into her voice , she asked , ‘ What happened after you 'd refused his ring ? ’
17 ‘ So what happened after you 'd qualified ?
18 What happened after you found the money ? ’
19 ‘ Shall I tell you now what happened after I left England ? ’
20 Brenda goes on to recount what happened after she rebuffed the boy in question .
21 And that 's what happened when we went
22 That 's what happened when we had Mrs Thatcher and Barry Manilow on the same show .
23 Finally and in total conclusion I must tell you what happened when we took Adam to a specialist to find out if he had a particular familial complaint .
24 Now James can you remember what happened when we did this ?
25 Now you can look at that and sort of chant it out to yourself and learn that as a table or learn it visually or vaguely remember some of it and fill in the gaps by going back , What happened when we tried when we dripped ac acid on a metal ?
26 What happened when we dripped acid on marble chippings on a carbonate ?
27 Howard smiles , and frowns , and thinks about it seriously as they all have tea in the orchard , and Miriam , in her dark glasses and clothes for motoring out to the country in , smokes furiously to keep away the insects , and chatters on about what happened when they went to dinner with the Chases the previous week , and Michael Wayland forgot Prue 's name .
28 Do n't think that releasing it through your local record shop is the answer — just ask DNA what happened when they tried it with their version of Tom 's Diner shortly before the A&M rep visited the shop .
29 Members were so kind in their congratulations that they will want to know what happened when I went to the Palace on February 7th to receive the M.B.E .
30 " I did , doctor , " I said demurely , not elaborating on what happened when I got there .
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