Example sentences of "what [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What got in the press last week in fact was a few days late , it had all been sorted out .
2 ‘ But what became of the Kleibers ’ furniture — and the dinner-service ? ’
3 " What became of the others ? "
4 Another version of the same question is to ask what became of the ostlers , grooms , and blacksmiths as the horse gave way to the internal combustion engine .
5 He told a parliamentary committee in 1840 that once the money was received and the Chinese buyer got his opium from the ships offshore , then it was the buyer 's business what became of the opium .
6 ‘ So what became of the girl ? ’
7 And what became of the caretaker 's bitch ?
8 One can only guess what became of the dogs of the town , for they were usually trained to guard their master 's property to the death .
9 What became of the letter ? ’ he demanded .
10 Because now one man , now another would produce some part of what became in the end the motion picture camera .
11 It has fallen to salaried professionals in universities , public record offices , the Business Archives Council , corporate bodies themselves — and the ‘ vanity press ’ — to salvage and conserve the tons of old papers explaining the historical context of what tumbled off the production line .
12 Morgan was the only one of the nineteenth-century anthropologists who , like Marx , was interested in what led to the transformation of one social system into another , and in what led to the breakup of past systems .
13 What led to the directors ' U-turn ?
14 Morgan was the only one of the nineteenth-century anthropologists who , like Marx , was interested in what led to the transformation of one social system into another , and in what led to the breakup of past systems .
15 If the mother is traced police can at least make sure she has recieved the correct medical attention , as well as finding out what led to the tragedy .
16 According to Yggdrasil , Daine was making a bid for what amounted to the job of king of the world .
17 They jogged round a corner , and found themselves in what passed for the town square of Dead Rat , Arizona .
18 Those meetings were enclosed within a Fifth Force Field , so that no one ever knew what passed between the Emperor and his Adviser of the Computers .
19 This view is confirmed , not only by the evidence of [ Mr. Bunn ] himself , namely that the wife 's signature on the Monday was a formality , but also the evidence accepted by the judge of what transpired on the Monday , namely , that there was no discussion between [ a bank clerk ] , the husband and the wife , who was merely presented the document for her signature .
20 Under this Act a child born alive , but suffering from a physical or mental defect as a result of something which happened before its birth , has a right of action for damages if the defendant would also have been liable in tort for what occurred to the parent if sued in time .
21 The researcher , Valerie Yule , watched adult-child pairs in these settings and then compared what occurred with the behaviour of adult pairs .
22 This is what occurred in the buyer 's factory but , because a number of ampoules were being washed together , the explosion was much greater than might have been predicted and the damage much more extensive .
23 Any explanation of what occurred in the war 's opening stages is incomplete unless it includes the traumas of collectivisation , the purges , the antagonism of the peasantry and the strength of national sentiment in recently annexed regions — and any accounting for Vlasov 's ‘ Russian Liberation Army ’ is impossible .
24 What changed with the partition of Ireland in 1920 was that the two dominant alliances were internally reorganized .
25 Other problems converged with this one , and the solution that was found constituted what seemed at the time a natural development , and seems in retrospect , the decisive start of a second stage .
26 But I do n't think the problems will come to traditional housing , what came to the flats , I E the walkways , the litter , the abuse , the facts of the parties .
27 Because you 'd only get half a pound perhaps and perhaps you 'd only get perhaps , this unit 'd only get two , According to what came into the country , or what was on the market .
28 Quite a number of Americans have been here you know , and many of them wrote to us after we printed what came across the wire services .
29 And er they used to determine what came through , they used to really , you know what came over the Bridge , all picketed and er they 'd want to know what was in the van and everything and if the er trades council said , No it 's not coming , it did n't come .
30 ‘ I think you can count on it , Cornflower , ’ he said softly , then changed the subject by saying , ‘ I have n't shown you what came in the mail today . ’
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