Example sentences of "what [pers pn] [vb mod] to be " in BNC.

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1 I am not what I ought to be ,
2 That 's what I ought to be doing .
3 a lot about it and sha n't be , frankly I 'm relieved I do n't actually know a lot but when the meeting to discuss what we 're supposed to do is on December tenth yo so I 'm a bit torn cos I in a way that 's what I ought to be doing even though the welfare business in a way that 's wh that 's what I ought to be doing cos it 's entirely .
4 a lot about it and sha n't be , frankly I 'm relieved I do n't actually know a lot but when the meeting to discuss what we 're supposed to do is on December tenth yo so I 'm a bit torn cos I in a way that 's what I ought to be doing even though the welfare business in a way that 's wh that 's what I ought to be doing cos it 's entirely .
5 But , praise God , I am not what I used to be ,
6 I had a conversation the other day with Con that reminded me of what I used to be , before I got corrupted by this place .
7 certainly ca n't manage what I used to be able
8 What I used to be like not , not as young as her like
9 ‘ Yeah — Mum , I told you , did n't I — ’ Cal suddenly got excited — ‘ it 's because Bina 's not allowing herself to be what she ought to be !
10 What sort of , erm , pressure or involvement or leadership ought to be given , or wh , yeah , what pressure ought to be put on the business sector , in order that it should sort of , conform conform is not a very good word , in order , it 's ability to contribute to the voluntary sector , and engage with it , should not be based upon individual and enlightened examples , such as I B M's , but should pull upwards the rest of the business sector , in other words , should N C V O actually says to the business sector as a whole , look , we think globally this is what you ought to be doing .
11 You have changed so much , you are a different person from what you used to be . ’
12 And the non-practitioners say , look , wait a minute , this is what we ought to be doing .
13 But the sort of criticism that says ‘ if we want to achieve X , I believe we are going the wrong way about it , what we ought to be doing is Y ’ , seems to me to be exactly the approach that is needed .
14 With that as the background , it is the time for a deep study of the philosophy underlying the system — to determine afresh what we ought to be seeking to achieve , to examine how far and in what manner the results of our present practice fall short , and to sift new ideas in order to judge which of them appear both constructive and practicable in operation .
15 I know what we ought to be looking for — a high , lonely place with dry soil , where rabbits can see and hear all round and men hardly ever come .
16 Instead of thinking that it is natural for a moving object to carry on in a straight line at a steady speed , and then worrying about how the force of gravity manages to pull all objects — heavy ones and light ones — round in the same orbit , what we ought to be doing is thinking of the path they all follow as being the natural path .
17 procedures which are , do n't quite fit you , then I think what we ought to be looking for is a certain amount of common ground between your procedure and our procedure , so there is not something , you 're doing something completely different to the way the rest of us are doing it .
18 No doubt our accepting what we are must always inhibit our being what we ought to be ; for all that , it felt like a step forward — and upward .
19 Er looking at this , if it 's actually a lot more central to what we ought to be doing .
20 Head : ‘ Departmental development , individual development , what we ought to be doing , awareness of your needs , give people new lease of life , new motivation . ’
21 What we ought to be aiming for is more localised revolved estate management .
22 It was a timid first step as to what , compared with what we ought to be doing .
23 And I think they have a tremendous contribution to make , and I think what we ought to be doing with er people who retire , it 's not to say the end of their working life , and therefore they 're on the scrap heap , but that it 's a new stage in life and we ought to honour them and respect them and I think , give them some er affirm where they 're at , and use them much more as the guardians of wisdom and the guardians of the stories of the community , and use them in that sort of way .
24 You want you say your mid- thirties erm er to sort of campaign with but I think we really , this is what we used to be , a campaigning movement and this is what we are no longer .
25 questions were being raised about what the police were doing , what they ought to be doing and how they ought to be organised and accountable .
26 We wish also to persuade him that once he takes fully into account that his ultimate goals are spontaneous ( are , not ought to be ; what they ought to be is intelligent as well as spontaneous ) , he will require no first principle other than ‘ Be aware ’ for choosing between them .
27 Cost-cutting to us was taking 5% off things that were double what they ought to be .
28 In fact this difference is not usually of much consequence because in both cases the practical strengths are well below what they ought to be .
29 Below the surface there lies , for many teachers , a nagging sense of doubt and confusion about what they are doing , what they ought to be doing and what they are doing it for .
30 It has been generalist rather than specific , its programme being based upon each child 's interests and abilities ( rather than upon an external authority 's projection of what they ought to be ) .
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