Example sentences of "what [art] [noun pl] [verb] was " in BNC.

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1 What the students learned was ‘ dry as dust and stagnant as pond water ’ , one young man told me about his studies .
2 No one supposes that international relations can be fully understood just by assembling a patchwork of what the actors say was in their minds .
3 What the kidnappers wanted was not specified .
4 Well , in this particular experiment , what the experimenters did was , when the parental birds left the nest , they stuffed the erm , the chicks as full with worms as they could possibly stuff it .
5 What the planners ignored was the effect of competition on profitability .
6 But what the screens revealed was not likely to make me feel easy .
7 In other words , I was trying to establish whether religion had been important enough in the interviewees ' childhood ( at least , as it was now remembered ) for it to be mentioned , without any prompting on my part ; and then , I would try not to prejudge what the interviewees thought was involved in religion , but let them decide what aspect would come out ‘ naturally ’ — whether they would talk about the institutionalised churches , private prayer , a personal relationship with God , a way of looking at the world or the ultimate meaning of their existence .
8 What the traces showed was , as we would have anticipated , a steady background buzz of the spontaneous firing of the cells of the IMHV .
9 When the weather calmed her master spent several days trawling for the missing anchors with grapnels in what the charts said was 30 fathoms of water .
10 What the psychologists showed was that stimulus elements in groups had properties not present in the individual elements .
11 How much of what the informants said was discarded by the interviewer because he did not find it useful — and by what criteria did he decide what was useful and what was not ?
12 And in a nut shell , it is our case , we say the police , what the police did was reasonable in the circumstances and indeed to go any further and say what they did was necessary in the circumstances .
13 But politics is the art of achievable and what the Tories wanted was not achievable on the ground .
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