Example sentences of "what [noun sg] [pron] be and " in BNC.

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1 Well the advice Mrs then is if you know what variety it is and you know it 's a variety tough enough to grow outdoors like er Peregrine , then send protection at the susceptible time of the year when the blossom 's out , otherwise er if it is a tend a more tender variety we do n't think er the thing is going to survive and certainly not going to fruit .
2 The standard water-injected exhaust system is n't too bad , but my bunk is right next to what noise there is and , therefore , you can understand why I am keen on initiating improvements .
3 Oh what action they are and what what 's that ?
4 ‘ You know what day it is and McQuaid is coming from the mart .
5 Incredibly , it was not until she pushed open the kitchen door that she remembered just what day it was and what they were all supposed to be doing .
6 Hannaford went off not knowing what day it was and is still in hospital receiving treatement for a fractured cheekbone .
7 You look at your neighbours , see how many kids they got , see what age they are and work out what 's it gon na be like in ten years time .
8 I always do that — try and work out what age they were and think God , he did that when he was 21 .
9 ‘ Only when it was in the net did I realise what size it was and it weighed 26 ob 8 oz , ’ added John who went on to bank five other pike , two of 8 lb 8 oz , and others of 10 lb , 11lb and 14 lb .
10 inch by two and you had to tell these dockers what size it was and they 'd take it out of that particular stack .
11 He said first , selection will select for offspring to know what sex they are and secondly , selection will favour offspring who compete er with the , with the sex er wh in whom the parents are , are erm favouring .
12 I do n't know what time it is and my name is Tiffany .
13 his head was pounding and he vaguely wondered what time it was and as he began to unlock the door he wondered what had brought Patrick back .
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