Example sentences of "what [modal v] be [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 When he made what may be argued were his next intellectually significant appearances , in 1923 at the Peasant International and in 1924 at the Fifth Congress of the Communist International , he had moved on from the French Communist Party and was now accepted in Russia as a revolutionary of considerable promise .
2 Ultimately , however , what may be needed is a set of proper procedural guides and guarantees which would ensure that whatever the legal rules may be , they are observed in practice 66
3 What must be done is to find the new position in spatial coordinates of the particle initially at xj after a time interval — t .
4 What must be realised is that teachers are rarely confident or certain enough to present themselves as ‘ progressives ’ or ‘ traditionalists ’ .
5 What must be ascertained is the intention that a reasonable person would have had if placed in the situation of the parties .
6 What must be recognized is that in approaching different collections , different users at different periods in time will place varying requirements on a scheme , both in terms of the subjects that should be included and also in terms of the relationships that need to be shown .
7 Even the simplest , most basic requirement we make of translation can not be met without difficulty : one can not always match the content of a message in language A by an expression with exactly the same content in language B , because what can be expressed and what must be expressed is a property of a specific language in much the same way as how it can be expressed .
8 The experience of the Modular Course suggests that what must be avoided is ‘ Exocet thinking ’ : review systems do not stay healthy in fire-and-forget mode — they degenerate into a perfunctory ritual .
9 This House was asserting that the mere existence of a mistake of law made at some earlier stage does not vitiate the actual decision made : what must be shown is a relevant error of law , i.e. , an error in the actual making of the decision which affected the decision itself .
10 What should be questioned is the use to which that additional staffing is put .
11 What should be said is that there is still a most definite need for research in some neglected , technical areas , but more particularly in integrating the social and economic factors as they occur in a local situation .
12 What should be done is the level of housing allocated to Selby should be assessed in terms of whether it can be satisfactorily accommodated , and if it ca n't then it should n't be allocated .
13 Bevan was the spur to Priestley 's powerful pen : ‘ The sight of a naked minister might bring the conference to some sense of our human situation , ‘ he wrote , ‘ What should be abandoned is deterrence-by-threat-of-retaliation .
14 What should be remembered is that there exist many things which are both good in themselves and good as an instrument or a means to something else .
15 Wh wi what should be happening is that each each trainee manager within each branch has an assessor within the branch who will be one of the deputy managers , they also have a mentor within the branch .
16 What might be said is that the ethical connotation of the method of action he proposed was being made clear by the choice of satyāgraha rather than sadāgraha .
17 In fact , what might be said is , that the principles of identity and participation are so closely interrelated and intertwined in his thought that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between them .
18 What might be forgotten is that Land had spent years in the laboratory perfecting the polarization process , schooling his scientific and inventive abilities , practising and repeating , learning his craft .
19 What could be said is that the same moral demands apply to the means as to the ends in the quest for Truth , and that often difficulties arise because of these demands .
20 It has not proved possible to determine the composition directly , which is difficult for a condensate , but the measured abundance of ammonia in the gaseous phase above the top of these clouds is about what would be expected were this ammonia in equilibrium with solid ammonia at the typical cloud top conditions of 0.5 bar and 148 K. There are thought to be relatively few breaks in the ammonia clouds , though the cloud tops need not be at the same altitude everywhere .
21 Although it is giving some of its ‘ glue ’ source to USL , most of what USL will have and what will be distributed is binary .
22 And the more idiosyncratic his genius ( this is the case of Milton , surely ) , the more likely it is that what will be copied is his mannerisms .
23 A good example of what can be achieved is Susanna Wade-Martin 's research on the Holkham estate in Norfolk .
24 What can be seen is that Parliament can not have intended an implied limitation along the lines of Ex parte Blain , 12 Ch.D. 522 .
25 What can be seen is that the attempt to correlate black youth and crime is a latent but definite element in the law and order debate .
26 What can be seen is that young girls are growing up far more quickly , and expect to be treated like adult earlier these days .
27 Nothing changes/feelings shift , move endlessly in circles/moths beating at glass endlessly/all that energy expended on nothing/no-one lets you in/desire and what can be desired are all fixed within strict parameters/ established as everything you 're not/desire written against your body/encoded in all the spaces which are not you/contours which are not yours/you occupy the gap between desire and fulfilment/absence of choice/no choice at all/why are moths nocturnal when so strongly attracted to light ?
28 What can be said is that those whose discomfort is related to intercourse are most likely to be cured of their symptoms either by a combination of improved lubrication and post-coital urination , or by treating any infection that underlies the symptoms .
29 What can be said is that the Rules of 1988 do not reflect section 99 of the Act , which in conjunction with section 97 enables a person upon whom a copy of an intervention notice has been served by S.I.B .
30 What can be asserted is that the benefits are too marginal to warrant the attention the subject has aroused — and the undertaking too complex to be able to withstand the political controversy surrounding it in the West .
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