Example sentences of "what [be] in his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time he thought it desirable to submit to them a brief record of his work ( Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers , 1899 , pp. 3–11 ) , in view of what were in his opinion the less than adequate references to it in the 1899 James Forrest lecture on ‘ Magnetism ’ by J. A. Ewing [ q.v. ] , in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers ( vol. cxxxviii , pp. 289–311 ) .
2 This is what 's in his head .
3 We all know therefore that everyone tries to get their own beliefs by methods that will maximise their chances of being true : like Pooh getting his belief about what 's in his honey pot by tasting it .
4 So it was then a question of just sitting down with a blank sheet of paper and starting to draw , because a Designer thinks about structures and design only by doing it , by drawing what 's in his mind .
5 What is in his heart ? ’
6 It is a form of brainwashing , or what that pioneer in the study of learning processes , Gregory Bateson , called corrective learning , that information-seeking activity whereby a person attempts to ‘ achieve a congruence between ‘ something in his head ’ and the external world … by altering what is in his head ’ — only in this case it is what is in Iago 's head , ‘ If thou dost love me ’ , Othello says to Iago , ‘ Show me thy thought ’ ; earlier he had said that Iago hesitated .
7 League regulations do not permit us to pay any money on behalf of Vinnie , except what is in his contract .
8 He compares the suggested scenario with a group of people who have boxes ; in each box there is something ( or nothing in some , perhaps ) and each calls what is in his box his ‘ beetle ’ .
9 And , like a little child , he stopped being careful and tense for a moment and said what was in his head , quite simply .
10 What was in his mind — except that he had killed his dallta , and wished to die with him ? ’
11 ‘ None knows you are here save my manservant — and your bridegroom , as you said , ’ interposed Edward , as if he must reveal what was in his mind whilst there was yet time .
12 Because he knew he could n't speak of what was in his mind , he pretended he had n't heard her and continued to stare out of the window .
13 ‘ I want to tell you , ’ he said to his wife but he veered away from the effort which would dim it , tangle , it , and he chose something banal and not what was in his mind .
14 She wondered uneasily what was in his mind , but at that moment the main gate of the castle came into view and , as they started across the drawbridge , a new wave of apprehension assailed her .
15 In that moment what was in his mind was written clearly in his eyes .
16 What she could not see was what was in his mind .
17 ‘ Well ? ’ said Llewelyn , dark-faced , knowing what was in his mind .
18 Slowly he finished what was in his mouth , his eyes roaming the plate .
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