Example sentences of "what [pron] be [v-ing] and " in BNC.

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1 During testing the important thing is to ignore what everyone is saying and concentrate on the bike and the new season .
2 You can hear what everyone 's saying and it 's weird .
3 That means not just searching for subject matter , but constantly reevaluating what I am doing and why .
4 That means not just searching for subject matter , but constantly reevaluating what I am doing and why .
5 I tend to get completely engrossed with what I am doing and do it to the best of my ability , ’ … and that 's running Runrig .
6 ‘ As far as Frank is concerned , he is entirely satisfied with what I am doing and he has given me the space to get on with it .
7 I am sure she knows what I am doing and is very proud .
8 So I 'd ask you Madam to go along with what I 'm suggesting and make him the subject of an absolute discharge so that he does n't have any previous court er any , any convictions or anything like that on his record .
9 Well , like I say , it 's not erm an ambition really of mine it 's a challenge of a lifetime because I 've never liked running and I decided that as I started running two years ago that er the marathon was the ultimate , and as it 's the ultimate challenge I thought what I 'm asking and why I 've asked to come in to FOX F M is to er ask the businesses of Bicester to help me er raise money for the er Bicester Health Centre , and also for the Bible School boys sponsoring me .
10 ‘ Dear Eetzky , my best wee pal , Ma will tell you what I 'm doing and where I 'm going .
11 The loss of my daughter Suzy gave me good reason to do what I 'm doing and I have nothing to lose .
12 But I 'm more concerned with what I 'm doing and what I 'm trying to do next rather than dwelling on my position with regards to other musicians and music in general . ’
13 As I say , I would like you to be in fairly close proximity to where I am so that you can see what I 'm doing and hear what I 'm saying .
14 He asks me what I 'm doing and who I am , and I mumble that I 'm just me and that is that .
15 It 's too difficult to explain what I 'm doing and I ca n't face lying .
16 it 's like when she asked her whether she would change her hours from half past nine to six to cover the office and said no I 'm quite happy doing what I 'm doing and could n't have coped with the confrontation you see .
17 Sort of er watching what I 'm doing and everything and er you 're not bored yet are you ?
18 I get the impression he agrees with what I 'm saying and he 's just shaking his head at the sheer extent of human deviousness and spite .
19 I had no idea what I was typing and would leave the office each day disorientated and dizzy with the effort .
20 He just came over to my desk , looked down at what I was writing and whispered , almost to himself , ‘ You 're as bad as your bloody father ! ’
21 I think events proved that she had come to know me a little better , and talked to me , and tried to find out what I was planning and what I was doing , and how David 's career was going , and co-operated with me to assist David , I think he would have had a much happier period ahead of him . ’
22 The first I new was Chris 's sudden , shocked screaming , with an urgency that made me drop what I was doing and run across the room to the open verandah .
23 I thought that Carl could be right about this — better to get out , relax and concentrate on what I was doing and not on anybody else .
24 The first time I was too young to know what I was doing and we split up after only seven months .
25 When I played , people who heard what I was doing and liked it recommended that I should get a Precision , which I eventually did , but I could n't seem to get enough of my own playing character to come through with it .
26 I knew what I was doing and knew that it was wrong — but when you 're 14 , everything you want to do is wrong .
27 ‘ What I did was try to bring my experience in Italy to English football and some of the players appreciated what I was doing and enjoyed working with me .
28 I realized what I was doing and decided to have this problem analyzed , and I traced it back to when I was in hospital as a child .
29 I can remember exactly what I was doing and , out of context , my behaviour seems so harmless that the need for secrecy appears quite mysterious .
30 One of my best-known remarks was when I was Chancellor and Geoffrey Howe was my opponent , and he made a rather damaging criticism of what I was doing and I did n't want to spend time on that .
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