Example sentences of "what [noun] they [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Children 's needs change as they grow , so it 's important to know what milk they should be drinking at different stages .
2 The dealing manager would tell them what stock they would be selling .
3 The judges who decided McLoughlin worried about the most accurate description of the principles underlying the precedent cases cited to them , although they knew that nothing in the explicit extension of any convention settled what these principles were or what weight they should be given .
4 Dear Gordon , Q. I would like to ask your advice on which are the best concentrates for my horse and in what quantity they should be given .
5 Find out what colours they should be and colour them in .
6 Those giving evidence obviously read the papers more conscientiously than the rest of us , and had short briefing sessions beforehand with the counsel on their side , but did not know what questions they would be asked .
7 Sharp teeth can cause terrible ulcers and anyone who has had a mouth ulcer himself will know what agony they can be .
8 However , the interviewees did not indicate what price they would be prepared to pay for such extended coverage .
9 The main object of the code is to ensure that guests shall be informed in writing , before taking up accommodation , what price they will be obliged to pay , particularly the total obligatory charge .
10 What tales they would be able to tell once they got back home again !
11 The first thing my livingstonii did was to develop white spot , unusual in cichlids and the more so in Mbuna , and it was while they were undergoing treatment in methylene blue that I started to learn what characters they can be .
12 This is a tragedy , for biblical hermeneutics concerns the problems facing any ordinary person who wants to find meaning in texts coming from a remote past , and to understand in what sense they can be ‘ the Word of God ’ .
13 Can you shed some light on the sexing of these fish , and tell me what size they should be before they breed .
14 I also felt , as I 'm sure everybody does , that the office would fall apart when I left and that nobody would be able to take over my cases , and I worried about what state they would be in when I came back .
15 These five possible areas of leisure activities are only illustrative for the particular methodological problem here being discussed ; they are not in fact derived from any research , but they will suffice to show that the researcher should now be thinking in what order they might be placed so as to g*e a sensible progression in an interview .
16 So how does the Creation 6 program decide which colour is which and in what order they will be placed ?
17 But like the proverbial elephant , amenity is easier to recognise than to define , with the important difference that , though all would be agreed that an elephant is such , there is considerable scope for disagreement on the degree and importance of amenities : which amenities should be preserved , in what way they should be preserved and how much expense ( public or private ) is justified .
18 He incurred the wrath of many members of the medical profession when as long ago as 1949 he suggested that patients should be given pamphlets explaining what was wrong with them and what treatment they would be receiving .
19 Five frilly nightdresses straight from mail-order , their labels still attached — I 'd 've nicked a couple only I did n't know what disease they might be carrying .
20 The imminence of 1993 , in the context of UK membership of the European Community , and the active discussion of the feasibility of multi-national and multi-disciplinary partnerships ( the question no longer being whether but when and subject to what regulation they should be permitted ) makes this a fast-developing area of legal practice .
21 It remains to be seen to what extent they can be applied to social work .
22 Exactly what extent they could be taken up in the period to ninety six , is not necessarily erm clear because we we do n't know exactly when those are going to be taken up .
23 The morning train from Sidney picked up milk from various farms for shipment to Victoria and on at least one occasion it was held up for two hours while cows , that had been turned into the bush the previous night to pick up what nourishment they could were searched for , rounded up , milked and the milk loaded for the trip to town .
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