Example sentences of "what [noun] [conj] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They came forward eagerly , offering what skills and abilities they had ; farmers , a conservation adviser , a photographer , a botanist , a medical practice manager ; most of them parents themselves , all of them becoming part of the support surrounding the South Ronaldsay families and determined to fight for them .
2 Use the forceful approach to get attention early on , and then move to this one to negotiate and to find out what rewards and pressures you can offer before returning to the forceful approach .
3 Such as where we live er where we went to school , what hobbies and interests we have and so on .
4 What we want to do now , can we stand on these ideas and put down on paper some more ideas of what circumstances and situations you could use for children 's role play .
5 List them , and for each one write a brief sentence explaining what senses and/or emotions it appeals to , and what techniques it uses ( ie music , a slogan , a personality etc ) .
6 At the first meeting of the committee which I attended the secretary announced that it would be necessary for members to disclose their interests , meaning thereby that they should declare with what companies and organisations they were involved .
7 But one step down from this grander world view at a more personal level , we all have a simpler way of seeing things which still vigorously affects the shape and colour of our personalities and what contributions and responses we bring to our relationships with others .
8 It is the job of those responsible for managing that plant and that technology to be thinking furiously what the next step is , and what changes and improvements they can see , because if you are not doing this your competitors will .
9 They think , perhaps , more in terms of what knowledge and skills they would hope to find in a secondary school entrant rather than of those one might expect from a child who had successfully completed a primary school course .
10 Thus , given that there might come a time when forces were available for deployment in the Middle East , it made sense for American diplomats to encourage what friends and allies they could to hold the line in the interval .
11 Having discovered that if he took cinchona or Peruvian bark , from which quinine is derived , he developed the symptoms and signs of intermittent fever ( malaria ) , and knowing that cinchona was an effective treatment for malaria , Hahnemann went on to experiment with other substances in use at the time to see what symptoms and signs they would produce .
12 With the aid of these books , let us see what glimpses of the past can be vouchsafed to us , what men and events we can create , what manner of ‘ association ’ is established .
13 Essentially , the cases and their history were studied to establish what factors or characteristics they had in common .
14 It is far better to look upon the purpose of such negotiations as to define the risks which each party is willing to accept , and what benefits or rewards he requires from the other party in order to accept those risks .
15 This means that soon , for even more peace of mind , you will know not only what services and facilities you 'll find , but just how good they are .
16 Rather than any physically deterministic or geological reasons , we need to consider the social and religious organisation of the original settlers , their technological capability ( i.e. what tools and techniques they had knowledge of ) and whether , like us , they saw their economy in terms of least effort/cost-benefit or whether some aesthetic or non-practical consideration was equally important .
17 With the establishing of sections , it is vital that the members no the member knows what avenues are open to them and what facilities and rights they have , and how to utilize them and contribute to the running of the union .
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