Example sentences of "will be [adj] for you " in BNC.

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1 Well , it will be nice for you to have your brother here , and we will hope for the best .
2 The show will feature guitars , basses and amplifiers as well as the latest in sound processing and studio technology — much of which will be available for you to fiddle with to your heart 's content — and continuous live demos will be taking place on stage throughout the full two days .
3 The recordings are available for you if you wish or will be available for you if you wish to er improve your memory on what has been said during the discussion periods .
4 He looked at her in silence for several long moments , but instead of denying the accusation he said , ‘ As my acting hostess I expect you to know what they 're like , otherwise it will be impossible for you to explain that honeymooners expecting luxury suites with king-sized beds will have to settle for a roll in the hay . ’
5 That feeling of bloating , being stuffed and lethargic , will be so unlike how you normally feel that it will be easy for you to tell when you have eaten too much before you really eat too much .
6 Lengthy booklists are expensive and dull : with some time and effort it will be possible for you to build up a personal library and reference system which is individually geared to your particular needs , and one which helps you to build on your existing knowledge rather than attempting to start again from scratch .
7 It will be possible for you to retest potentially suspect foods later on , but not during Stage II .
8 I do hope that it will be possible for you to participate in this exercise , even though I realise that many demands are made on people 's time .
9 Now you can not force the client to take that into account and read and understand it , but I do believe that it will be possible for you , in writing to the client , to explain the advantages and the extras which you are incorporating within your er proposed scheme which you feel are absolutely fundamental to the correct working of the project .
10 It will be necessary for you to seek help and advice from someone who knows about building and plans .
11 If you introduce other foods you will lose the beneficial effects of the diet and it will be necessary for you to begin again !
12 We are aware that you are currently residing in the United States and must inform you that it will be necessary for you to come to London and report to our offices with appropriate means of identification .
13 Which will be best for you ?
14 If you have any infection , your immune system wo n't be working as well and it will be easier for you to get other infections including HIV .
15 Learn our language quickly and things will be easier for you .
16 Likewise , the lie will be wrong for you if the toe rests on the ground with the heel clear .
17 After all , an actor 's life is spent working with words , and it will be valuable for you to have a reasonable background in the English literary and dramatic traditions .
18 You must deal with this whenever possible , as it will be bad for you if park-keepers constantly have to do it .
19 Since the rates of State benefits and income from various types of investments change so frequently , there is little point in quoting figures , but it will be important for you to know how to gather the up-to-date , accurate information .
20 You may want emotional support at any stage of HIV infection , and it will be important for you to find someone you trust who will give the support you need .
21 I hope these arrangements will be convenient for you .
22 I do hope these arrangements will be convenient for you .
23 I do hope the arrangements will be convenient for you .
24 ‘ I 'm sure that will be lovely for you , Anna . ’
25 But of course this will be lovely for you !
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