Example sentences of "will not be [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What is often not appreciated is the need also to provide a stable and profitable agriculture that can support the infrastructure it needs There is a danger that farmers will not be given adequate incentives to grow produce efficiently and environmentally responsibly .
2 Given that more money simply will not be made available as a proportion of GDP , choices have to be made .
3 Another worry for the police is the possibility of a confrontation between New Age travellers who might turn up at Stow , the traditional travellers want to make it plain that if they do , they will not be made welcome .
4 Another worry for the police is the possibility of a confrontation between New Age travellers who might turn up at Stow , the traditional travellers want to make it plain that if they do , they will not be made welcome .
5 Should a higher form of awareness decide to tip the balance here or there ( perhaps by embryo implantation ) or put it on ice ( as in frozen embryos ) so that knowledge can be gained which will enable future embryos to prosper healthily , then it will not be acting contrary to what Nature itself does by trial and error and evolution .
6 I must add that we will not be producing daily summaries , er I think it 's a task which is a fairly daunting on and quite frankly , er they will not be produced in the sense At the end That they would not be available at the end of each day .
7 take an informed view of future trends , both technical and legislative , and thereby generate confidence that the proposed solution will not be rendered obsolete in the near future .
8 Mr Yeo confirms the DoH will not be monitoring identified needs for which no service is available .
9 Please note that apart from MAC , venues will not be taking advance bookings for their own events and screenings .
10 The firm will not be taking legal action and hopes to recover the money .
11 ‘ But the immediate impact of the yen 's rise will not be to spur overseas investment , but rather to squeeze exporters ’ profits and so dampen their ability to invest abroad , ’ he added .
12 He is concerned that anyone comparing a school 's performance in the 1994 tests with this year will not be comparing like with like .
13 Governments with limited resources seeking to lower mortality and to decrease population growth will be more likely to achieve these objectives by concentrating on family planning programmes than by insisting on the primacy of health care services — and they will not be sacrificing humanitarian goals by doing so . "
14 Finally , preference shares will not be qualifying corporate bonds and consequently will offer roll-over as distinct from hold-over relief to accepting shareholders ( see paras and below ) .
15 In most cases the 1988 Education Act offers blanket cover for governors in that they will not be held responsible , financially or otherwise , for their actions and decisions as long as at all times they have acted in good faith .
16 Marks&Spencer and Storehouse , representing BhS , Habitat , Richard Shops and MotherCare , have already confirmed that they will not be introducing dual pricing .
17 The converse also applies — that centres whose Quality Audit raises problems will not be offered devolved responsibility and might even have any existing devolution reduced in scope .
18 Perhaps he worries too much about Mr Carman , who , he says , ‘ will not be running true to form if his closing speech is not a formidable tour de force .
19 He informs Fleming that he had had to put them to work elsewhere and hopes that it will not be thought strange that the men are taken away .
20 Although Ultramar is no longer a separate entity and will not be circulating audited accounts for 1991 , the Panel has publicised its view ‘ for the information and guidance of others ’ .
21 ‘ We will not be burning toxic waste , we will be burning sludge .
22 However , we have no executive committee , and we have only one other meeting a year , erm , if you , I , I would like you to suggest that if you accept this restructuring of er , the organisation , and the fact that the members will not be attending other meetings during the year , you might see fit to allow the attendance allowance on this particular sub-committee .
23 We have virtually reached the position where a defendant will not be considered liable when he would not be liable according to the ordinary principles of negligence .
24 This is of crucial importance , because restrictions on trade between EC countries will not be permitted post-1992 ; hence with the present system of VERs , Japanese cars would be imported into one EC country without a VER and then moved to another EC country with a VER .
25 Similarly , appraisal is capable of providing much of the data necessary for the production of a realistic School Development Plan , since the important part of the planning will not be identifying appropriate curriculum development goals but identifying who will be able to deliver these , and what preparation and support will be necessary if they are to deliver .
26 SOUTHPORT will not be making wholesale squad changes as the Haig Avenue club prepare for their move into the GMV Conference next season .
27 He said : ‘ Our position is that we will not be making public statements about who we may or may not be putting forward for the mayor and deputy mayor 's position . ’
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