Example sentences of "will be [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the current discussions with Stevie as to how much of that vintage stuff will be on the CD , if we reach a balance and I do n't think there 's enough , hopefully it will be on an additional CD somewhere down the line .
2 The basis for that is that over the next few years the South Africans will be on an upward learning curve after being without international competition for so long .
3 Tenancies will be on an assured basis rather than on a secured one .
4 TURKEY will be on an incredible £12,000-a-man bonus to pull off the greatest result in their football history at Wembley tomorrow .
5 Perhaps only one librarian will be on an academic-related grade , but more importantly this librarian ( often designated as a tutor-librarian ) will have a job specification which includes a teaching function as well as a library administration function ; and the teaching function will imply teaching academic course subjects as well as library instruction .
6 In the case of a building let in separate parts for use as factories , the landlord will be under an absolute duty to keep lifts in an efficient state and in good repair ( Factories Act 1961 , s22(1) , s176(1) ) .
7 The informant is responsible in law ( unless the information was provided solely for the journalist 's background reference and not for use even on an unattributed basis ) but the media , having promised confidentiality , will be under an ethical duty not to reveal the name of its informant .
8 From April 1991 , deficits on all local authority hostels met by Government subsidies will be worth an extra £1 billion a year .
9 Your roll of wire will be worth an exploratory dig , tools become toys to be kicked around and chewed , and your jumper which you foolishly left hanging on the fence is now going to suffer a life-threatening crisis .
10 It has already been established that the boiler will be of an all welded design , and , in addition to BS 5750 , it will comply with UIC standards ; this could pave the way for use of the locomotive in Europe , as air braking is almost certain to be incorporated .
11 The firm curd is squeezed through the cheesemaker 's fingers to break it into small particles — they must be small or the finished cheese will be of an uneven texture .
12 The first treatment lasts between one-and-a-half and two hours and costs £25 to £30 ; the follow-up sessions will be around an hour-an-a-half and slightly less expensive .
13 I would like to say in general Mr I think that as a Committee we should welcome this report which does , it really does er has done a very thorough job and ha a a and provides us now with a s understandable framework and and time scale work when you 've got target and when brought forward or shown to any member of the complex that that erm I think provisionally with the backlog of what is now ready to tackle the result onto our and commissioner is grant er , er grant , erm there will be , it will be like an enormous benefits not just in those areas that John has taken us to but in general atmosphere which kind of be very tense and competition and I think we 'll be , be seeing the action in this token er within it will be er target time , erm real pro real progress will be this I think the feeling of that will going , come by will , will , will be a lot of ruling er in this area and maybe even start to er leave the question from er as a result and the signal to the users of our serv , of the services and erm would go out of here in a planned way and in answer to er fairly speedily and you know what or reduce the erm the aggro .
14 In this case the economy will be in an inflationary equilibrium .
15 In 20 minutes by air-conditioned car or coach , you will be in an old and vastly different world .
16 If your notes have CHIC they will be in an excellent form for fast and effective study and revision — one of the main reasons for making notes at all .
17 ‘ If you do hit trouble it will be from an Iranian terrorist organisation .
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