Example sentences of "will be [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The principal object of the formation of a service company will be to carry out administrative functions concerned with the running of the practice — eg the employment of staff , hiring premises , furniture and equipment and general maintenance .
2 These measures have the full endorsement of the Labour party , which also welcomes the fact that notices about the law will be made extensively available for display by the retail trade and will be fixed to automatic vending machines by operators .
3 The list for the Labour Group will be made up each Friday morning and passed to Jean Speedie by lunchtime .
4 The anguish of being parted from her beloved sons William and Harry will be made even worse by the knowledge that she can no longer share her troubles with her father .
5 This elegant new art form will be made even richer because different viewpoints will reveal different images .
6 The Journal hears that an announcement on the sales force will be made internally this Monday and will not be made public .
7 Just how petty , greedy and self-interested others really are will be made perfectly clear to you during the next few days and your reaction to them may well be to decide to turn off the charm and the money supply forthwith .
8 Have you ensured : that participation will be made as easy and pleasant as possible ?
9 Note that attempts will be made wherever possible to conciliate between solicitor and client where the client is dissatisfied with the solicitor 's charges , and the dispute has not been resolved under the firm 's internal PR15 procedure .
10 The situation will be made more dangerous if the EC cuts itself off from the new North American Free Trade Area .
11 Conventional publications will be made more efficient by networking our copy-preparation hardware and software to the databases .
12 This will be made more complete with the help of archaeologists , architectural historians , furniture specialists , social historians and others .
13 It will be made more difficult where a number of senior individuals are actually involved in making a purchase decision .
14 In this case , Her Majesty 's inspectorate is not being transferred and its role will remain the same except that as a public organisation it will be made more independent of the Secretary of State .
15 You will be made very welcome in his pretty ‘ Hansel and Gretel ’ Gasthof , and very well looked after by the friendly owner , Frau Henn .
16 The Rose is an attractive , traditional style Tyrolean gasthof where you will be made very welcome by Simon and Anneliese Kroll .
17 There is room for everyone and you will be made very welcome .
18 So who 's going to be the next manager of Oxford United … the shortlist is being drawn up this weekend … the appointment will be made early next week … we ca n't tell you yet who it 's going to be but we can tell the Manor Ground directors who you want …
19 Midfielders Paul Bracewell and Gordon Armstrong came through Saturday 's 1–1 draw with the London club , but the pair will be training cautiously this week .
20 Data from the interim analysis of the Alpha trial of didanosine will be analysed early this year .
21 It does not follow that Parliament had the same intention when , whatever criteria are adopted , all spaces in the school will be filled in any event .
22 In order to give some structure to the discussion , each of the major social services will be examined under three headings : access , i.e. geographical distribution of social services ; use , i.e. the extent to which different groups make use of services ; and outcome , i.e. the benefit derived from the use of services .
23 The Communications Ministry of the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan has signed a series of agreements with Sprint International Inc and its Russian joint venture , Sprint Network , to develop general purpose communications networks in the republic : subscribers will be able to direct-dial to 110 countries via the network , which will be constructed around 19 communications centres in the major cities .
24 THE COURAGE of Essex man and woman will be tested later this year when bungee-jumping comes to Colchester .
25 The suits and breathing equipment have been washed and set aside to dry properly and will be tested early next week .
26 Such questions may seem pedantic , but it will be seen later that quite large errors can be made unless they are correctly answered .
27 These beliefs were rooted far deeper in the past than attitudes to taxation or to education , and they were to remain tenacious into late NEP despite mounting persecution , as will be seen when this same area is re-examined later .
28 Unless there is regular guidance given to parents through workshops and school produced booklets the arrival home of the reading book will be seen as little more than an opportunity to check when the teacher last heard their child read and a chance to rush their child to the next stage on the reading scheme .
29 The landscape in this view from the same bridge may be compared with the previous one , and it will be seen that much of industrial Sheffield is disappearing for good .
30 It will be seen that much Christian teaching on love is reflected in what has been outlined above , and that Gandhi 's teaching concerning non-possession goes beyond what is normally considered to be involved in the vow of poverty in certain Christian orders .
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