Example sentences of "if there be [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Always be prepared to listen patiently to a guest 's chatter no matter how boring , but develop a technique of being able to detach , oneself politely from a conversation without giving offence , especially if there is work to be done or other people waiting for attention .
2 If there is evidence to the contrary , then the National Executive Committee will act .
3 The Bill will work better if it is implemented properly , if there is access to training for all who want it , if there are flexible patterns of employment to enable nurses to stay in the work force following post-basic training and if community care — where they will be doing their work — is implemented and fully funded .
4 If there is commitment to doing theological reflection with and for the poor in the North , then the experience of overseas people is only sometimes relevant .
5 So , if there are limits to what we can do , and if the development of technology brings costs as well as benefits , we now must face the second question : under what circumstances do we either develop or apply a particular technology ?
6 If there are changes to be made in the programme , then this could be an appropriate time to change front-line figures …
7 If there are disadvantages to higher levels of reliance on bank loans , they are clearly counterbalanced for those large firms that are considered too important to fail .
8 On the other hand , FDI with superior technology could generate net welfare gains , despite monopoly rents , especially if there are spillovers to host-country producers ( e.g. where FDI is subject to local content rules ) .
9 As an aside , the need to drawn up a will becomes particularly pressing if there are children to be considered , and do n't forget that marriage revokes the will of either partner , unless that is , it was drawn up in anticipation of the wedding .
10 It 's because there are economies of scale , alright , now if there are gains to be had from specialisation right , and consumers want specialised products and the best thing to do is to , erm , focus production in a single location right , for lots of different variants of this product right .
11 If there 's money to be made though , developments will understandably blossom on every available acre of land , spoiling the countryside for all those who just want a little peace and quiet .
12 If there were games to be played or work to be done or stories to be read it was always to Rachel that she would turn ; Rachel who went out and came in when she said she would and said ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ , not from whim or temper , but with authority .
13 He looked around the carriage to see if there were reinforcements to hand , but it did not look promising .
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