Example sentences of "if you [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you had joined at Paris , then you received a ticket back there ; if , however , you had joined at Marseilles , then you only got fifteen francs to get you down the line from Aubagne .
2 Social scientists doing research at the estate in the seventies were told by one tenant that it would have been " difficult to be more isolated if you had lived in Egypt " .
3 The excitement is in the expectation that , having been around and seen all that you can , the end product will be at least a little more interesting than it might have been if you had stayed at home .
4 If you had waited for me to return and confronted me with your distress I would have told you .
5 Marlow himself , listening to Jim 's confused , hesitant version of the affair as the court-martial proceeds , realises that ‘ with every instant he was penetrating deeper into the impossible world of romantic achievements ’ and cuts across the young man 's evident yearning to make some heroic restitution by the blunt reminder , ‘ If you had stuck to the ship , you mean ! ’
6 If you had come to England as I thought you would have done , ’ she interrupted frostily .
7 Delete the second occurrence of your own name and the heading ‘ Task 17 ’ ( if you had typed in this heading originally ) .
8 I think I could bear losing you a line better if you had belonged to me , even for a short while . "
9 If you continually can not get through to your debtor , the message is as clear as if you had spoken to him .
10 On one occasion the door to his bedroom was left open and if you had passed along the corridor you could have caught a glimpse of the Collector , slumped on his bed , haggard and ginger-whiskered , the very picture of despair .
11 Though we were pleased to see you , we would have been doubly pleased if you had entered on time , that is two weeks in advance .
12 ban smoking if you 've given in
13 Yes , it 's easy to comment on their performance if you 've stood by and watched their shift .
14 As you cast your eyes around , you wonder if you 've landed in America , without even noticing the ride .
15 Well , it 's , it 's failed at the moment , but as , you know , if you 've seen on television , or read a paper lately , you know , you 've got ten days to go
16 He sounded almost admiring , but then went and spoilt it all by adding , ‘ Although I suppose if you 've gone through life getting yourself into situations like this you would be bound to develop a fairly strong streak of subbornness by now . ’
17 Sweet carpets : if you 've gone off your old talcum powder , shake it over the carpet before you do the vacuuming — it 's a great freshener .
18 I mean at the moment of choice you 're faced with a set of people , including , let's say , one man and one woman , who on paper match each other and who perhaps , even if you 've adjusted for a possibility of the woman 's having to fight and so on , they 're equal on paper .
19 After a concert or disco , if you 've arranged for someone to pick you up and they do n't arrive — speak to the organisers and ask them if you can phone home .
20 I do n't know if you 've heard about it ?
21 I do n't know if you 've heard of a guy called Danny Gatton .
22 " All right , but first I 'd like to know if you 've heard of the return of the Marquis of Rossmayne 's first wife and the death of his second . "
23 That 's Monte Casino Oh if you 've heard of Monte Casino .
24 I do n't know if you 've heard of them
25 ‘ Why , Alice , ’ Harry said , staring at her curiously , ‘ you sound as if you 've fallen in love with someone you ca n't have .
26 Or , if you 've over-ordered on the chestnuts for your turkey stuffing , how about chestnut soup ?
27 But if you 've persevered with certain plans or associations and kept your cool under pressure , your patience is about to be rewarded .
28 If you 've succumbed to Miles Kingston 's image of the National Trust volunteer being elderly , preferably female , and usually asleep in the window seat of a stately home , I suggest you think again .
29 More often than not you get a refund cos of course you have personal allowances for a whole year but you 've not er not er lived a whole year as often as not and therefore there usually spaced over the twelve months and you 've paid a bit too much tax if you 've died in the course of the twelve months .
30 Do n't despair if you 've tried before and failed .
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