Example sentences of "if i do [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If I do make a cock-up of it , I can always do something else . ’
2 They know that if I do bring a new democratic freedom to my country then it 'll mean the confiscation of those fortunes .
3 If I do say the odd naughty word just scowl at me .
4 She knows that I have arthritis and if I do need a bit of support , Clare 's always there , unobtrusively , to give me a hand .
5 That said , we do listen to constructive criticism ( even if I do take the Michael in these letters every so often ) and make changes where they seem needed — you 'll see gradual change as time goes by , for the better , we hope !
6 But we do if I do get the diablo I 'll show you you know .
7 And if I do get an heir it will be by accident .
8 And if I do read a paper it wo n't be for for very long because all the stuff it 's got in it I 've seen it one telly or heard on the radio .
9 And if I do receive a call , I 'll telephone you at once . ’
10 And yet , if I did have a showdown now , what good would it do ?
11 If I did have a siesta it was always a very short one .
12 ‘ Anyway , if I did have a village lass dying to do my cooking , do n't you think she might find you a bit off-putting ? ’
13 And , as you can see , if I did have a m a mutant gene that promoted reproductive success by a hundred percent what natural selection means , enhanced reproductive success . ?
14 After all , if I did have a fiancé tucked away , that would change the situation rather dramatically .
15 Well unfortunately if , if I did have a delivery of coal it would come in through the other entrance .
16 So when I was actually pregnant , although it would be fairer on me and the baby and everybody concerned if I did have an abortion , he made me know that he did n't really want me to have one .
17 if , if I was really stuck and I had the , the tools , which , I would n't have you see , but if I did have the tools there , then yeah I would be able to do it cos I 've seen Martin doing it quite a few times , so
18 If I did take the twins away all summer then Masquerade would be taken to a boatyard in Florida , so I now signed the necessary customs forms and the insurance waiver and the dozen other pieces of paper that would be needed to keep the United States government and the delivery company happy .
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