Example sentences of "if i have [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Well if I 'd swapped monitors with you can pro and I do n't suppose you 'll wan na get rid of your Amstrad today
2 If you have been through a divorce , you must have asked yourself , what if I 'd handled things differently ?
3 likes the short sleeves anyway , been shocked if I 'd got sleeves
4 Who cares if I 've got boots on ?
5 I 'd be lucky if I 've taken 500-pounds .
6 But all the taxi money adds up and if I had to take taxis both ways I could n't afford it . ’
7 If I had had qualifications I should not have been able to use them legally , and I should have been too hoity-toity to take on the sort of me-nial , unregulated work available .
8 as if I had stuck knives into her . "
9 If I had used words , I should have had to think more carefully about what I was doing .
10 Finally after more tests , a nurse , not a doctor , asked if I had used tampons .
11 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
12 Sorry , I should explain to the committee that I was informed that the secretary who normally does the minutes for the half past one was sick , and had , she 'd been sent home by her doctor at lunch time , so I came back from lunch and had to come straight into committee , and I do apologize if I have missed bits of paper or whatever , I 've gathered up everything I could , but that might well be one of the things that I 've left behind .
13 If I have to read things up , this is a relaxation — I love music , I love gardening and I love just pottering round the house .
14 Even if I have to work nights .
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