Example sentences of "if it [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There was a faint sticky feeling to it , as if it might trap you if you tried to struggle against it — but no one would want to struggle against this , thought Fenella , bemused with delight .
2 She had a glass of gin in her hand , but she was not drinking it , just holding it as if it might offer her the cheer and support that she might not otherwise find elsewhere .
3 It had a sort of changing-room summer house , and a brick building that looked hopefully as if it might have something to do with heating the water .
4 Yes I wonder if it might help you sir if I erm if I submit a copy of the plan ?
5 The Monster continues to scream as if it would blast me from the cosmos .
6 Emily smiled , she knew instinctively that here was a man who thought of women as merely creatures of decoration and , if it would serve her purpose , it was a view she would exploit to the full .
7 When relations grew particularly bad he became the child go-between in a household of warring parents : ‘ Ask your father if it would break his heart to change channels so I can watch the news . ’
8 But it did n't move too swiftly over the rocky soil , and I began to doubt if it would reach me before the deadly rain finished me off .
9 I mean you 're not really , you put it through it 's paces to see if it would do what we wanted it to do but that 's not actually .
10 But he thinks he 's the centre of the world and he was going to make it difficult for Angie to do what she wanted if it would affect his career .
11 A third would think twice about moving home if it would upset their pets .
12 He held out his leather tobacco pouch : the young man looked at it as if it would bite him who touched .
13 They looked at the radio , as if it would tell them something , and then their cold eyes settled on Bruno , who was not laughing any more .
14 It crashed around the mountain walls as if it would split them in two and she never heard the plane arrive .
15 But before Ruth could settle down to sleep again it returned , only this time much sharper , as if it would split her body in two .
16 If it would make you happier , I could always go away . ’
17 She would kill him later , but for the present , she was thinking of Sycorax , who had instructed her in love , and wondering if it would please her that here she was , filling a man with desire just as Sycorax had always said she should .
18 ‘ You shall paint me like this if it would please you , Barney dear , ’ she whispered aloud .
19 In black this detailing might be inoffensive , but in colour-coordinated white the Carlsson looks as if it would enjoy nothing more than hanging around outside Stringfellows waiting to pick up Page Three girls .
20 To diehards , Lloyd George was " the " Welsh Walpole " and friend of MacDonald who would peddle any opinion and give in to any Labour leader if it would help him to stay in office " .
21 She closed her eyes tightly , as if it would help her hide from what had happened .
22 spent a lot of money on reflexology to see if it would help her sleep .
23 W well if it wou if it would help I mean I could produce the list that we have in mind .
24 Scott McNealy told Wall Street analysts last week that Sun has more 40MHz Vikings than it knows what to do with and that Texas Instruments Inc ‘ could bury ’ Sun in the chips if it would let it .
25 The river immediately floated my free legs away as if it would have them , and I had to grab the wire fiercely to avoid going with the current .
26 In a feeble effort at self-preservation , I put up one arm to ward off a blow , but the arm fell down as if it would have nothing to do with such an idea .
27 J. was quite capable of staring her straight in the eye and swearing that black was white if it would get me out of a jam .
28 My friend , however , possessed a Toyota Hilux four-wheel-drive pick-up truck , and there can be no better vehicle in which to trespass than one that looks as if it would get your daughter pregnant and drink all your beer .
29 Winter colds with much sneezing , coryza and headache as if it would burst which is worse ( < ) motion , in a person who is chilly and wants to be warmly wrapped and has much aching in the bones .
30 Miss Phoebe gave her head a slight shake , holding on to the arms of her chair as if it would save her from drowning .
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