Example sentences of "if she [vb mod] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 so I thought as soon as I can get to see her I 'll see if she 'll give Jim my , I thought an aran cardigan
2 I do n't know if she 'll have kids , when she 'll have kids , or if your mother would let you have one if she did have kids !
3 Sara had been a little distraught when Jenny had asked if she might bring James .
4 Only later , much later , when Penman knocked and asked if she would like tea , did it strike her that she had no idea why Michael Swinton had really called .
5 So I asked her if she would have lunch with me .
6 It looked as if she would have news for Mademoiselle Rabier when she saw her .
7 The two leaves and the gates had gone long since , for it possibly dated from the sixteenth century — nevertheless there was a distinct something about it and Mr. Hibberd , the antique dealer often asked my mother if she would consider selling .
8 Then Sean asked her if she would let Joey come to their place .
9 Girl asked her if she 'd change shifts with her next Wednesday and she told her to go away politely .
10 Lydia was damned if she 'd play salads with Betty .
11 She was holding Laura up , because if she 'd let Laura go she would have slumped to the ground .
12 ‘ Squish broke his ankle in Klosters and is being invalided home and Trouncy wants to know if she can bring Jean-Pierre , their French exchange .
13 If she can manage A levels and a baby she can manage doing this work .
14 Anne wants to see if she can have Peter over the weekend sometime .
15 going back to her childhood , well then if she can remember things her parents said
16 She wondered if she should consult Bridget .
17 Returning to her office , she wondered if she should phone Bridget , but decided to leave it until later in the day : the first-years would be arriving at Bridget 's college in the middle of the week , and her friend would be as tied up as Loretta had been the week before .
18 Now , as she hurried into the dimly lit tunnel to the ground-floor area where they all parked their cars , she quickened her pace , uneasy as always about the poor lighting and the feeling of being cut off if she should need help .
19 She wondered if she should have Lee teach the girl a lesson , but decided not to — for the moment .
20 Hugh 's mother , climbing out of her taxi with a zip bag full of baby clothes , heard the laughter and wondered if she should contact Hugh in wherever it was and suggest that he came home .
21 She wondered crazily if she should thank Matilda for inflicting the injury .
22 He would n't look twice at a small-town girl , even if she could design wedding dresses .
23 If she could face Felipe de Santis she could face anybody .
24 His mother the dowager Queen Isabella survived until 1358 and if she could transmit title to Edward III , why could not Jeanne of Navarre , Louis X 's daughter , or any of the daughters of Philip V do likewise ?
25 She knew that success would come if she could convince readers that it was not a novel designed as mere entertainment but a moral tale designed to expose an evil and enhance the moral status of the reader .
26 When Tessa went out of the room to see if she could help Jannie the boys turned on Bob at once with all their usual wildness , jumping up and down in his lap , punching him in the chest , and trying to pull off his shoes .
27 So Gillian told us just to , i if she could phone nan .
28 Ana seemed to pick up the vibes very quickly and tagged along with Mitch , laughing at his humour , turning her head from time to time in Maggie 's direction as if she could hear steam coming from her ears .
29 In a voice that shook in spite of her efforts to control it , she asked if she could see Mrs Blessington-Dalrymple .
30 Mrs Bourne has always said if she could prove chemicals were responsible it would make the tragedy easier to bear , as well as ensuring other children did not become needless victims .
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