Example sentences of "if the [noun] [verb] get " in BNC.

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1 The Premier also said there was still the option of an American peace envoy being appointed to oversee developments in Ulster — if the talks failed to get under way again .
2 If the Greeks do get their economy under control , they still have to do something about their politics .
3 If the patient has to get dressed before he is able to dress independently , you have to dress him with care , so that he does not get involved in making any effort .
4 Now they got much the same thing for the dinner , but if the prisoner had got any money of his own , and if he cared to contribute an extra sixpence he got a hot meal at midday .
5 If free-market conditions had generally prevailed , and if the BEA had got all the investment resources it required at low interest rates , this conclusion would be unassailable .
6 I personally and I 'm sure it goes for many here , have spent a long time in the private rented sector and if the opportunity existed to get into council housing we would have taken it .
7 Natch if the operation had gotten the go-code , that List would only have been part of it .
8 If the TV has got to fit into a limited space , it 's a good idea to choose a model that has a front-facing speaker , such as Ferguson or Hitachi .
9 Now with diabetes there 's two types , too much sugar and too little sugar now diabetes erm , Irene said to you , erm is controlled by the insulin in the pancreas in the stomach , it throws out this insulin the liver throws out the sugar and I 'm not going into actual detail , but if there is too little insulin then it is allowing the liver to send out too much glucose , so if , if the person has got this erm pancreas that is n't churning out insulin or too little then your person will have sugar diabetes .
10 If the Tellenoreans had got into Pike 's body , was n't this a slightly odd thing to make him do ?
11 Anyway , as I see it now , if the authorities have got wind of her havin' a youngster , we 'll have some of them officials and the do-gooders comin' round , and it 'll be the workhouse in the end . ’
12 If the Germans had got this far , the British Goverment would have wanted it kept under wraps .
13 Just enough time for a reverse-charge call , and an excuse for getting away if the conversation began to get awkward .
14 Maybe not as hectic as it would have been if the sun had got his hat on .
15 While I felt to see if the damp had got to it , my hand strayed over Armstrong 's tool kit .
16 " It 'll warm his little heart for once , " he thought , " and if the leaders do get attacked , I suppose we can spare him easier than some . "
17 If the scheme does get the go-ahead , the wind may be free , but not the windmills .
18 If the scheme does get the enthusiastic backing of farmers , the government hopes that up to ten percent of the countryside 's most damaged hedgerows could be saved .
19 ‘ Would you like to go down to the kitchen now , Tobermory , ’ asked Lady Blemley politely , ‘ and see if the cook has got your dinner ready ? ’
20 that wo n't be nice in the summer if the kids have got to go out there
21 Sometimes the ultimate question is only in theory left to the public authority ; for example , in some cases of review for jurisdictional errors of law or fact in which it is clear that if the authority had got the law or the facts right , its decision would have been different and could only have been one way .
22 If two people have got blue eyes the mother and father the children always have blue eyes I think If the mother 's got brown and the father 's got brown they do n't have a blue eyed child .
23 Well , in a way it was n't dangerous I 'd say , it was a very worked plan and it would have worked if the letter had got there , so I know it was going to work and I would not say it was dangerous .
24 No it is n't but what was not put was that er if the police had got there a couple of days earlier they would have caught because I was half .
25 I suppose if the doctor had got his diagnosis right , then I would have had to go to hospital but it was to be another ten years before I was sent to such a place .
26 One 's sympathies are with the pragmatists , but it has to be admitted that if the markets do get the impression that the Chancellor is taking a soft line on inflation to promote growth , then the pound could come under pressure , and the next move in interest rates could then be up not down .
27 Do n't know if the son 's got out yet .
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