Example sentences of "if she had been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She felt heavy-lidded and drowsy , as if she had been asleep for a week .
2 She looked drowsy , as if she had been asleep .
3 One mother claimed : ‘ She would not have said such a thing if she had been married .
4 A faint , ironic smile played about her mouth as she allowed herself , just for a minute , to imagine what the weekend could have held if she had been one of Dane 's legion of devoted followers .
5 In his dozing he wondered if she had been bored with him .
6 After putting a trial foot several times in the river , Harriet launched herself and swam as if she had been used to water all her life .
7 If she had been cheerful , she would grow sad , and if she had been depressed , she would grow bad-tempered .
8 If she had been rational enough to tell him something it certainly would n't have been that .
9 How would her mother have taken it if she had been alive ?
10 Joan Durbeyfield , watching , wondered for the first time if she had been right in encouraging Tess to go .
11 Only then did she fully realise that if she had been five minutes later the watchers keeping a lookout for a stray boy might , tomorrow , have been hauling ashore the sodden body of Gus Hambro .
12 The rockdust prevented her from seeing if she had been successful in her kill .
13 She would have reacted in exactly the same way if she had been stone-cold sober and standing in a bare room under a fluorescent light .
14 When she was fastened to my fist people really scared her , whereas if she had been free she would have been able to take evasive action .
15 She had n't moved or made a sound , just opened her eyes in the red-tinged darkness and seen him there without surprise as if she had been aware of his presence ever since he arrived .
16 If she had been unfaithful it would have been tricky to intervene .
17 If she had been angry before , she was twice as angry now .
18 If she had been wrong about him … ?
19 Examining her responses to this normal catalogue of everyday events , of life , she found that she wished she was dead , had been dead for some time , so that she was used to it : and then she thought that if she had been dead for long enough , she would probably be bored with that by now .
20 And what monumental arrogance — to think that an evening in his company would be enough to wean her away from Rob — that was if she had been interested in Rob in the first place !
21 Her face was pale , far paler than he remembered , as if she had been ill .
22 ‘ It leaves a hell of a hangover , ’ said Mrs Ridley , and Lee felt relieved as if she had been ashamed of her suffering and had had it authenticated at last .
23 He stood back to look down the line of her figure under the flimsy nightgown , his eyes caressing her as blatantly as if she had been naked .
24 When he asked if he should fly out her answer had been a firm and uncompromising ‘ No ! ’ but now , as she glanced at Alain , she was not too sure if she had been wise .
25 In the weeks that had passed since she had met Rupert Stonebird at the vicarage her interest in him had deepened , mainly because she had not seen him again and had therefore been able to build up a more satisfactory picture of him than if she had been able to check with reality .
26 In any case , she was too scared to go back to sleep even if she had been able to .
27 Home Office pathologist Dr Donald Wayte , of Bangor , told the court yesterday that it would probably have been impossible to get so much material into Mrs McMullen 's mouth if she had been conscious , as she would have been fighting for her life .
28 If she had been cheerful , she would grow sad , and if she had been depressed , she would grow bad-tempered .
29 Theda continued along the gallery , towards Lady Merchiston 's room , feeling ridiculously guilty , as if she had been ungracious .
30 But without her virtue , even if she had been beautiful , she would n't have been worth the weight of her little toe in dross .
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