Example sentences of "if she have [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If she 'd said Carolyn had borrowed a book from Clare and wanted to return it , they 'd have given her the address .
2 Henrietta came down to lunch , still shivering slightly , in a sweater and jeans , and refused to discuss her experience , telling Jacqueline not to be bloody silly when she asked if she 'd seen crocodiles .
3 She had no one but herself to blame if she 'd fallen hook , line and sinker in love .
4 Even if she 'd dabbed Mummy 's eyes and wiped her brow with a hanky soaked in cologne .
5 Theodora wondered if she 'd heard Gilbert aright .
6 And if she 'd imagined Guy Sterne as the kind of man who 'd be sufficiently insensitive to ignore her panic , she was quickly proved wrong .
7 She could have been a dancer if she 'd taken lessons .
8 And if she 'd married Vincent Van Gogh it would have been the same story .
9 If she 'd expected signs of embarrassment or even an apology , it was obvious that she 'd miscalculated .
10 Sooner or later she would have found out for herself , and the interrogation would have been worse still if she 'd thought Rory was trying to keep her in the dark about such a momentous event in her life .
11 He pulled her with him to a more secure place , but there was n't a chance of speaking even if she 'd had breath or invention .
12 Emily went pink , reflecting that if she 'd had charge of this youth in his formative years , things might have been different .
13 He asked if she 'd had time to think about it .
14 If SHe 'd known Jahsaxa 'd had hir fixed this way just to be an orgy machine , then SHe 'd never have gone through with it .
15 But she wo , i i , I mean , if she 'd told Doris , Doris would have phoned
16 She 'd be forty now , if she 'd told Irene the truth .
17 As he poured the tea , Peter wondered if she 'd told James about how she 'd made a fool of him ; perhaps they had laughed at him together .
18 " All this blood , " she said , in just the same voice she 'd have used if she 'd spotted chocolate round my mouth .
19 The vital link — the ‘ first ancestress ’ — was James I 's granddaughter , Sophia of the Palatinate [ q.v. ] , who by the Act of the Protestant Succession of June 1701 would have become queen in her own right if she had outlived Queen Anne .
20 Somehow she knew with an inner certainty that even if she had met Adam Burns only for the most fleeting of moments , those dark obsidian eyes would have burned themselves into her memory for ever .
21 On the other hand , she reflected , it would fit well with all that she knew of Miss Coldharbour 's habits if she had fed Wheeler with information about Gray which he 'd used to bully Gray with .
22 Blanche asked if she had seen Jim Lancaster leave the boardroom at any time .
23 He wanted to know if she had seen O'Hara .
24 Lee listened to the patio door closing quietly , and felt ashamed , ignoble , as if she were embarrassed about having had an epileptic fit or as if she had broken wind in the middle of a fairy-tale .
25 Asked if she had received notification from the TV licensing authorities she said : ‘ I do n't know — I do n't handle all my mail . ’
26 If she had stayed calm
27 She looked up , questioning , wondering if she had made sense .
28 If she had harmed Ishmael I would , but as long as it was only me that was injured , I could not blame her .
29 If she had told Richard about Harry , and about Maurice 's dubious cargo , he would n't have had to lie in a pool of blood waiting for her own daughter to rescue him .
30 This trick took hours of practice , up and down the landing at the hostel while the other girls looked at her as if she had taken leave of her senses .
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