Example sentences of "if she [verb] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Still she hesitated , wanting him to appreciate the gravity of such a revelation and the trust it revealed in her if she chose to make it .
2 Her garments were removed as swiftly as if she 'd done it herself .
3 He half wondered if she 'd arranged it ; women do n't get invited to these things as often as men .
4 One woman drifted away with a couple of the children as if she 'd heard it all before .
5 But then an instant later she was wondering if she 'd imagined it , as Janice turned to beam a warm , glowing smile at Jake .
6 Her limbs trembled , her heart beginning to pound like a sledge-hammer at the note of hard determination in his voice , which betrayed no weakness or breathlessness , evidence — if she 'd needed it — of his superbly fit physique .
7 Given Karen 's broken-nosed vowels and head-banger intonation , they would n't have understood if she 'd spelt it tor them .
8 Why had n't she stood her ground ; simply called Luke 's bluff — even pleaded with him if she 'd thought it would do any good ?
9 ‘ You c-ca n't … ’ she spluttered , trying not to panic that , if she 'd got it right — and she could n't see how else this swine of a man could threaten her — he was saying that her job was on the line !
10 That if she 'd triggered it by asking questions she might be drowned in the flood of pain that would be released ?
11 If she continued to wait it was really , in a manner , that she might not add the shame of fear , of individual , personal collapse , to all the other shames .
12 and six pound fifty then week cos I wo n't , you wo n't have them on Monday but if she keeps working it 'll be most Mondays anyway
13 I 'm wondering if I should ring them actually , from unit , and ask them if tell them what 's happening and will she be able to go on Income Support if she does give it up ?
14 But if she does see it
15 Well if she does see it , yes .
16 If she does see it and disagrees with it
17 It 'll take a while to be ready for use with everything they do to it these days , and if she does need it , the sooner it can be ready , the better .
18 Esther could not have planned that particular episode better if she had intended it .
19 He did not know if she had written it down in the letter , or if the cake was to be his punishment for all the bad things he had done .
20 Or , if she had kept it , had someone else in that family , possibly the father , come by it and used it ?
21 The cream stucco on the houses — the imposing pillared porches with their black-and-white tiled steps ; she felt as if she had seen it all before in a dream .
22 If she had made it just a few feet further she would have found safety in the homely atmosphere of the estate where she lives with her family .
23 Her exit caused him more concern than if she had made it in the blaze of anger similar to that with which she had first confronted him .
24 If she had planned it the blow could not have been more accurate .
25 What if she had to do it all herself , like your Mum and mine ? ’
26 And in her dream every line of his face was as familiar as if she had scrutinised it intently .
27 She was not the dependent type and if she had to go it alone then so be it .
28 He pondered the question , as if she had posed it seriously , then he leant forward and whispered conspiratorially .
29 She did n't even know at what point friendship had turned into love , and if she had realised it when it happened the new bud of feeling might have blossomed crazily into hopeless longing and tongue-tied need … or perhaps it would have frosted away and died .
30 Anabelle felt like curling up in a ball and plugging her ears until they all went away — and she would have , too , if she had thought it would do any good .
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