Example sentences of "if the [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Such limits might be acceptable if the only persons entitled to challenge governmental action were persons directly affected .
2 That would be o.k. if the only suggestions allowed were suggestions about procedures .
3 That would mean that even if the final decision rested with the Secretary of State he would be seen by all concerned parties to be basing his judgment on neutral , expert scientific advice .
4 It is best if the actual words written by the originator can be used , but if they are too extensive the paper copy should be filed under its SPR identifier , and a summary indicating that the full report exists in paper form should be entered into LIFESPAN .
5 When entering the details of the SPR into LIFESPAN , it is best if the actual words written by the originator can be used , but if they are too extensive the paper copy should be filed under its SPR identifier , and a summary indicating that the full report exists in paper form should be entered into LIFESPAN .
6 Imagine the mortification — if the faceless whisperer camped in her brain turned out to be male !
7 Putting up posters and shouting slogans about democracy had done little in the past to achieve the students ' goal but in 1980 , some believed that substantial change could be achieved if the limited opportunities presented by the Gengshen reforms were seized .
8 Someone was always dragged in to delegate for her if the outside world called .
9 The situation would be different from this only if the internal discriminations carried with them some experiential ‘ feel ’ that was not to be identified with some physical process of which BS could know .
10 Michael , if the Liberal Democrats gained control of Oxford City Council what changes would they make in the way things are operating now ?
11 Is I think we probably do need as Mr suggested to move number one suggested resolutions , erm now if the Liberal Democrats won places in and if they 'd rather have the work noted proceed to proceed by something sinister .
12 Does my right hon. Friend agree that if the Labour party implemented even a fraction of the spending priorities that it has been spreading around over the past year or two , to the tune of £30 billion or £40 billion extra expenditure , it would not only have to face the problem of raising taxation , but would have to resort to massive borrowing , which would increase interest rates and greatly damage the economy ?
13 Well when when if if the Labour party criticised and they do criticise
14 They were afraid that if the Russian workers proved by demonstration that they were quite capable of managing their own affairs the workers of other countries would ask why their countries were not being governed in the same way …
15 As the paper states , a solution to this problem must be found if the progressive developments suggested for auditing are to be achieved .
16 If the machine-readable data produced by other users are ever to become accessible to historians , and that produced by historians to other users , we need to begin thinking about the research processes in such generic terms .
17 If the evolutionary scheme given in the Preface seems absolutely clear and definite , this is not the picture which emerges from the less systematic Formen .
18 We can now formulate a provisional test to determine whether a deviance is grammatical or semantic ( 'provisional' , because , as we shall see , things are not so simple ) : if the minimal change required to ‘ cure ’ an anomaly in a sentence involves one or more closed set items , then the deviance is grammatical ; if , however , the sentence can most easily be normalised by replacing one or more open set elements , then the deviance is semantic .
19 In fact , closer inspection reveals that further mechanisms must be introduced if the associative structure shown in Fig. 5.10(b) is to generate acquired distinctiveness .
20 But this view was rather hard upon farmers with crops adjacent to a railway line and a compromise was effected by the Railway Fires Acts 1905 and 1923 , which cast upon railways a liability not exceeding £200 , even if the total damage claimed and done is much in excess , for damage caused to agricultural land or agricultural crops by fire arising from the emission of sparks or cinders from their locomotives , although the locomotive was used under statutory powers .
21 His rival Juan Bosch of the Dominican Liberation Party ( PLD ) , whose accusations of electoral fraud had forced a recount , said on June 13 that there would be " a popular explosion of anger " if the Electoral Board proclaimed Balaguer the winner .
22 What if the multiple choice allowed in the questionnaire does not include the answer that the respondent wants to give ?
23 If the essential qualities needed for reinventing health care under Mr Clinton are three — willingness to go back to first principles , faith in political action , and above all , a superhuman command of detail — then Mr Magaziner has spent his whole life in training for his current job .
24 The result might be very different if the injured person acted on the advice of a quack , or if , considering all the advice he had received no reasonable person would have taken the course he did .
25 If the key person identified for the transfer does not want to move there will probably be a number of career-hungry individuals on the payroll who will willingly step into the vacant position .
26 This is so even if the alternative job offered involves a change in your terms of contract or is with an associated employer , such as another company which is controlled , in terms of shareholders ' voting power , by the same person or people who control the company that you work for .
27 If the effect of use and disuse is to alter the nature of the proteins in the body , and if the replicable information passed on to future generations is carried by DNA , then Weismann has to be right if the central dogma is right .
28 If the Minoan deities merged as this evidence suggests , reliable identification is made much more difficult .
29 If the extra oxygen taken in is not needed by the muscles for running away or fighting , the effects can be dramatic .
30 Theoretical considerations indicated that if the electric field applied to the surface could be made strong enough to confine the mobile electrons to a very thin layer near the semiconductor 's surface , with thickness comparable to the wavelength associated with the electrons there , then the electrons ' motion perpendicular to the surface would be ‘ quantised ’ .
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