Example sentences of "if he have [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 In fact , if he had n't have knocked him and out and put him in a coma in last round that Michael Watson would have won it .
2 Now Cocktail would have been a , been a bit dull if he had n't have been in it !
3 I was just about to say that then if he had n't have got in there I was .
4 Do you , he was as close to death if he had n't have gone in se to Ipswich and seen the specialist at the time he did er
5 Would Hamlet have felt the delicious fascination of suicide if he had n't had an audience , and lines to speak ?
6 It was generally felt he would have won at St Andrews after his 29 for the first nine in the first round if he had n't had part of the round washed out and had to continue the next day .
7 It was a pity too about his accident as if he had n't had enough bad luck . ’
8 He wrote his plea as follows : if he had n't had a reply from her before noon on the last day of the week ( which meant return post ) he would trouble her no more .
9 If he had n't had the business I would have left him within a month .
10 What does it mean if he had n't had too much to drink or a bad hit on the head ? ’
11 If he had n't had his eye closed , seriously , you know where your eyes bu sort of
12 He must listen attentively to the tales of how the amateur would have broken sixty-five in a competition last Saturday if he had not had such disgusting luck on the greens .
13 Marco 's devotion to Samavia , given his reflective nature , could easily have seemed priggish if he had not had the Rat as a foil , with his quick memory and his youthful ingenuity .
14 If he had not had this picture in his mind , he might inadvertently have written in a way that tried to satisfy different types of individual in the same book .
15 It was dark and the lamps were lit and they might not have seen Sesostris if he had not had to step aside to avoid a porter with a heavy bundle on his back and stand for a moment in the light from a shop front .
16 The hostility to alleged traitors took extreme form in the murders of Sudbury , Hales and Cavendish , and equally strong was the dislike of the King 's uncle , John of Gaunt — his palace of the Savoy was burned down ( although it is uncertain whether the Kentishmen or the Londoners played the leading part in this ) and he would probably have shared the fate of Sudbury and the others if he had not had the good fortune to be in the North negotiating with the Scots .
17 Oslin Williams , who was severely burned last year in a fire which killed his father at their caravan home , would have died from asphyxiation due to scarring of his windpipe if he had not had the operation , surgeons said .
18 ( In fact , the French lines there on February 21st were no better prepared than they had been on the Right Bank , and the rejoinder that if he had not had adequate forces he should not have undertaken the offensive in the first place is almost too obvious ) .
19 He did not look as if he had ever had much to lend .
20 At thirty-one , he remarks to Louise — a parenthesis to a hypothesis — that if he had ever had a son , he would have taken great pleasure in procuring women for him .
21 He would have corrected his flattened and crooked nose — broken in an accident when at school — immediately if he had ever had the money .
22 If he had ever had any feeling for her it was now stone-dead .
23 Returning to Wollheim 's analogy : when the reader of the porn performs , as internal actor , his fantasy , he is left , as internal audience , in a state that simulates the state he would be in if he had actually had a relationship with a woman like the imagined one .
24 Then the sum assured is payable , just as if he had actually had died .
25 It 's as if he 'd just had a snort of it .
26 But Trevor always arrived in the morning as if he 'd not had a drink .
27 If he 'd actually had a flashing blue light on top of his head , I might have rumbled him sooner .
28 And if he 's not had
29 It sounds , it sounds odd saying , oh my husband 's just renewed his , it makes it sound as if he has n't had a P S V erm licence for a while .
30 As the PM says , no one has ever done anything big and good if he has always had success and has n't had some thumping clouts on the head on the way .
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