Example sentences of "if i could [vb infin] you " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , she told me to bring someone so I phoned and asked if I could bring you . ’
2 You would like , I daresay , if I could give you a clear and definite policy .
3 If I could give you just two very quick examples of what I mean , there is a proposal to reduce boarding out payments .
4 Three months is the maximum I can impose as you have never been in jail before , but if I could give you more , I would without hesitation . ’
5 How do you think the retrospective scheme compensation scheme would actually work and if I could give you an example erm should it apply to all schemes which have been affected in the past er perhaps after a certain date or if you were going to make that decision , where would the cut-off date be , how far back would you go and what schemes would you look at Er if it 's gon na be retrospective ?
6 Under Chambers 's auspices I 've prepared a questionnaire on ( intermediate ) learners ' dictionaries , along with a piece of sample text and a batch of parallel extracts from four other publishers ' dictionaries of about the same level , and I 'd be ever so grateful if I could send you about 10 of these sets to distribute amongst fellow teachers and some of the students , as you think fit ; and of course I 'd be pleased if you 'd answer one yourself .
7 I wonder if I could offer you a cup of coffee in my department within the next couple of minutes ? ’
8 If I could refer you to the block beneath there on carry forwards , you started this year , bringing forward savings and under-spendings and various other contingencies of just over one and half million .
9 Well if I could refer you , ma'am , to my paragraph three point seven of my supplementary statement , erm I do indicate there erm that the factors which make me believe that a location in this sector or these three sectors erm is a better one in far , as far as employment is concerned .
10 ‘ And Mr Cameron — it might be convenient for you as well. t , ‘ If I could tell you
11 It 's not as if I could tell you much , anyway , seeing I never met her . ’
12 I wonder if I could show you a mole ?
13 If I could show you a way of keeping your premiums at an affordable level but still obtaining the li , the level of life cover that you need to be of to your wife and your family , would , would that be of interest to you ?
14 If I could lead you from that paragraph on page three fifty over to page three six four page three six four , one two three , four paragraphs from the top it 's ab it 's the second of two paragraphs that begins the Board affirms the church 's th that Christ teaches that marriage is special and divorce is not the way he would wish for his people and then this sentence no-one would wish to condens condemn someone to stay in a marriage which is beyond redeeming .
15 ROBBIE I wondered if I could scare you , make you afraid .
16 If I could put you out of business it would be very much in my interests .
17 I wonder , therefore , if I could persuade you to draft a 1,000 word article on Tourism 2000 ? !
18 ‘ And if I had known , even just that you were free to love me if I could persuade you to , I would n't have been so — ’ Breaking off , Luke was once again silent for several seconds .
19 For example , it would make me very happy if I could see you every night across my dinner table ; if when I woke in the morning , I would hear you wish me ‘ Bonjour , chéri ! ’ in that so charming accent of yours .
20 I wonder , therefore , if I could ask you to take only one copy — would it be for the IBM/CMS or the Sun/3 with UNIX configuration ?
21 So if I could ask you just to complete that .
22 ‘ I wonder if I could ask you to comment on that as a career structure , ’ he said levelly .
23 So , Group One , if I could ask you to come to your
24 The others have not had an opportunity of , of actually seeing this , so I wonder if I could ask you just to read it out and we can all share
25 We are all frightened that fossil fuels are going to run out in the foreseeable future , and I wonder if i could ask you about one or two possibilities .
26 ‘ She 's still cross with me and the atmosphere is quite unpleasant , so I asked Iris if I could join you .
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