Example sentences of "if i [vb base] [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 do you wan na little bit more table , that 's gon na be alright because you 've erm , if I move them if you put on that , if I hold them on my lap and then they wo n't get , you wo n't want to ask me , do you want another one ?
2 If I take them on the table they wo n't make so much noise then
3 What if I write it on your forehead and then she 'll see it wo n't she ?
4 If I get something on one of them to s to look as though I 've
5 So I get , if I get them on target I normally get a couple of wickets .
6 Now we 're fortunate with with this that if I turn it on it 's very quiet but if any of you had and I 'm sure Jeff you 've probably seen it where you get some older machines and the fan in there rattles like mad and there 's nothing worse than having that thing rattling all all the day .
7 No but I 'll , if I say it on every tape she might get the hint .
8 If I see anything on the subject it goes into the file , and eventually I have enough material for a book or an article . ’
9 if I see anything on the table I 'll just pop it in a freezer bag
10 Then there 's her book — a series of short stories and reflections entitled Memoirs Of A Pretty Lady — that is due to be followed by a second volume next summer , ‘ if I finish it on time , which I 'd better ’ .
11 If I call you on the phone I 'll ring twice , put down the receiver , do the same thing again .
12 ‘ Then it would obviously be best if I leave you on your own until you 're in a more reasonable mood , ’ he said , walking towards the door .
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