Example sentences of "if it [vb -s] [adv prt] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If it goes over that I 'm out . ’
2 She could hear Mary Deare droning on : ‘ Her light is going faint , and if it goes out that means she is dead .
3 It 's only if it goes in and you 've got no angle
4 Leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front so that you can pull up safely if it slows down or stops suddenly , the safe rule is never to get closer than the overall stopping distance shown below , but on the open road in good conditions leave a gap of one metre for each mile an hour of your speed or a two second time gap may be enough , they will also leave space for an overtaking vehicle pulling or wet or icy or the gap should be at least double that , drop back if you know that taking vehicle closing gap in front of you make way for ambulance , fire engines , police or van emergency vehicles when their blue lamps are flashing or their bells , two tone cones or sirens or .
5 While its hindquarters are towards you there is no real danger , but if it turns round and you can see its head you can bet that a bid to escape is pending .
6 If it turns out that £400,000 really is n't there , then perhaps we charged Angela too much for her partnership share ?
7 You can not , for instance , turn someone into a surfing champion just because he 's at the seaside , but if it turns out that he has a genuine interest in fishing and some skills as a fisherman you can centre pictures and film on that .
8 If it turns out that this is not the case , if it is discovered that the prohibition denies the would-be rapists more of a chance to pursue the good life than it gives their possible victims , then one may have to adjust other features of the political framework to make sure that this does not result in inequality of ability to pursue one 's conception of the good .
9 Should one assume that the parties take notice in the original position of their own fallibility , and agree on constitutional arrangements that will be self-correcting if it turns out that the fundamental beliefs concerning human nature , on which their substantive principles of justice are based , turn out to be wrong , or not ?
10 If it turns out that your teenager is using drugs and has problems , you have something very painful to face .
11 As I have written in another context ( Dreamers , 1984 ) , ‘ Humanity is going to look pretty silly if it turns out that dreams do n't mean anything at all . ’
12 If it turns out that she is not like her husband linguistically , the difference is not treated like the difference between miners and public schoolboys .
13 But if it turns out that the units make an independent contribution , then there is a further level-of-analysis problem .
14 And if it turns out that the right mood has arrived at last , there are plenty of ideas waiting for attention .
15 This is the usual case , but if it turns out that a particular file is very volatile the less restrictive system should be used .
16 If it turns out that very few trainees are making use of the service , try to find out why this is .
17 If it turns out that there had been no infringement of the law in relation to the goods in question , the trader may be entitled to compensation from the enforcement authority , section 14(7) .
18 In this case , if it turns out that the goods do not exist at the time of the contract , the seller will be liable in damages to the buyer for breach of his contractual undertaking .
19 On the other hand , if it turns out that the network fails when more than 7 machines are in use , the term would be regarded as a condition .
20 This is not to be encouraged , particularly if it turns out that only some of numerous partners have actually signed the paper .
21 So pragmatism may be an eligible interpretation of our legal practice after all , if it turns out that our judges declare people to have legal rights only , or mainly , when a self-consciously pragmatist judge would pretend that they did .
22 Er I 'm not surprised if it turns out and people think it 's good cos I spend when I 'm in the part it becomes my life so I do n't really judge it in terms of good or bad , I just it becomes like breathing .
23 Aaron if it topples back and , that 's it I 'm smacking you , come in here
24 I know , but if it works out that we have n't got the flat then what the fuck are we gon na do ?
25 Well if i if it comes up and tells me there 's no airlines there , then I can assume that there 's no airlines !
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