Example sentences of "if [vb pp] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the mosaic is correctly dated if assigned to a period of c. 300-330 .
2 At the back , as if distanced to the utmost from the woman who ab initio had publicly sought to claim him as escort , friend , and guide , sat Phil Aldrich , slowly reading the evening 's edition of The Oxford Mail .
3 They can suffer if exposed to a temperature of 1–2°C for long periods , therefore minimising water movement in the winter to maintain a warm deep layer of water , is important .
4 Always suffering with a nasal catarrh ; pressing pain in the root of the nose with a chronic catarrh and if exposed to the cold the discharge dries up and a headache begins , ( like in Kali Carbonicum ) , often starting with dim vision .
5 Importunity or threats , such as the testator has not the courage to resist , moral command asserted and yielded to for the sake of peace and quiet , or of escaping from distress of mind or social discomfort , these , if carried to a degree in which the free play of the testator 's judgment , discretion or wishes , is overborne , will constitute undue influence , though no force is either used or threatened .
6 He defined trade secrets ( at p425 a-j ) as : ( a ) information used in the trade or business ; ( b ) of which the owner limits the dissemination or at least does not encourage or permit widespread publication ; ( c ) and which if disclosed to a competitor would be liable to cause real or significant harm to the owner of the secret .
7 Information which , if disclosed to the public , would reveal that the authority proposes —
8 Note that we can not eradicate the modifier " pragmatically given " in these definitions : an utterance of ( 71 ) may have quite different implications of precision if said to a crane operator in contrast to a fellow surgeon .
9 How , though , would the method used here perform if applied to a subject right in the middle of complex situational change , where the social formation and the musical culture are characterized precisely by heterogeneity and seemingly transient affiliations ?
10 On a measure which , if applied to the Commons , would produce 100 per cent party unity , the figure for Congress fluctuates normally between 30 and 60 per cent ( see table 12.1 ) .
11 The recent development of biochemical and genetical target detection assays , if applied to the N-Oct 3 factor , will certainly help to answer this major question .
12 Bass players of the time were most unhappy about the situation , though ; their instrument , the double bass , was exceedingly bulky , very fragile and did not take at all well to the rigours of touring , especially if strapped to the roof of a car , as many were .
13 There is some support for the proposition that such a loan , if made to a person fully capable of repaying the same and , for instance , charged against property in the United Kingdom , gives the taxpayer minimal benefit from the case of O " Leary v McKinlay [ 1991 ] STC 42 where Vinelott J at p51 , dealing with a Schedule E beneficial loan , stated the following : If an employer lends money to an employee free of interest or at a favourable rate of interest and if the employee is free to exploit the money in any manner he chooses his employment can not be said to have been the source of the income derived from the exploitation ; the employer is the source of the money and the taxpayer is assessable to tax under Sch E on the benefit to him of obtaining the loan on the terms on which the loan was made ; but if the loan is repayable on demand that benefit can not be quantified and form the basis of an assessment under Sch E. It is arguable if property is held by a non-resident trust for A for life and B absolutely that if the trustees lend money to A at interest then if A allows the trustees not to pursue him in his capacity as borrower for the interest that no benefit will arise .
14 The unfriendly comment of Edgar Wind in Art and Anarchy was : ‘ What has optimistically been called a ‘ museum without walls ' ’ is in fact a museum on paper — a paper-world of art in which the epic oratory of Malraux proclaims , with the voice of a crier in the market place , that all art is composed in a single key , that huge monuments and small coins have the same plastic eloquence if transferred to the scale of the printed page , that a gouache can equal a fresco . ’
15 Adenauer had gone , and the new West German government under Ludwig Erhard would probably , if pushed to the limit , prefer to maintain an alignment with the United States rather than with France .
16 Their value is 200 GCs if sold to a collector ; non-collectors wo n't buy them at any price .
17 ( You will remember that our Agent valued the cottage , without alteration , at £20,000 if sold to the tenant , but at just £10,000 to a third party ) .
18 They all stood as if rooted to the spot , staring at the Monument and its two occupants .
19 The original owner 's invoice should show either the current cost of the goods if supplied to the repairer for nothing , or if a charge is made the amount to be paid .
20 The best intentions and the wisest council are likely to misfire if entrusted to the care of the machinery of state action .
21 Many Sinhalese viewed flogging as suitable for low-caste persons ; it was considered much more demeaning if administered to a man of high caste .
22 But as if fixed to a wall there .
23 An Honours " School " of English will at least start its candidates on a path which , if followed to the end , leads to such knowledge of English Literature as Bentley or Jebb possessed of Greek .
24 After wide debate , the majority of the Branches were in favour of extending the mandatory requirement of CPD to all members , but such a proposal is unlikely to get the support of the membership if put to a referendum .
25 It has a competent selection of retouching features and colour balancing controls , but its biggest asset is sheer speed ; I guess it would top its Windows counterparts by a factor of three , if put to the test .
26 Liquids on the other hand flow if subjected to a stress ; they do not store the energy but dissipate it almost entirely as heat and thus possess high damping characteristics .
27 They are unlikely to satisfy the test required by the main argument , i.e. that individuals were more likely to succeed in realizing that which reason required of them if subjected to the government concerned than if left to themselves .
28 In such a case , it is clear that if left to the Member States , the Community-wide action would not take place .
29 Repeated notes , both in groups of twos and threes , are a characteristic feature of horn writing , and though passages requiring considerable agility are to be found in most modern scores they are usually well and safely doubled by other instruments , as they are apt to sound woolly and ill-defined in shape if left to the horns alone .
30 Any advice offered by the Academic Registrar must not be construed as an undertaking by the University that the applicant , if admitted to the course and if his or her academic progress thereafter is satisfactory , will be eligible to complete all parts of the course .
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