Example sentences of "if [noun prp] [be] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Still , if Hawking is right and we do find a complete unified theory , we shall really know the mind of God .
2 Kimberley could not tell if Woolley were serious or mocking .
3 ‘ It does n't matter if Edward is happy or unhappy , ’ she said .
4 If SSP was due or paid before 6th April 1991 but you have not recovered it , you can still recover 100% of the SSP paid .
5 But if SSP was due or paid before 6th April you can still recover the NIC compensation .
6 I 'm here to tell you that if Alan is right and big Arnie ( pictured left ) did the body beautiful business behind the Co that night , anyone who happened to take a photograph of him should send it in to me pronto .
7 If Darwin was right when he argued that there is no fundamental discontinuity between man and the higher mammals in their mental faculties , and we accept , as surely we must , the general validity of the Darwinian theory of evolution and the connectedness of species , then where does morality come in ?
8 He gave Captain Lake a severe reprimand for his brutality and ordered him to return to Sombrero to see if Jeffrey were alive and , if so , to rescue him .
9 He wondered if Alexei was angry because he had been beaten again , or if maybe he was beginning to realise that there was no way , short of an accident , that he was ever going to be allowed to win .
10 Compliance with the conditions means that Megastore are not liable , even if Beaneasy are insolvent and James has no effective remedy against them .
11 And if it did n't — if Klein was wrong and his handiwork remained undiscovered forever — then that was the truest vision of all .
12 Willie lay in bed that night , tired and aching , but the aches were very pleasant ones and as he slept he dreamt that Adam and Eve were being chased by a large whale and that he stood in the garden of Eden wondering if God was nubbly and ate infinite sauce and sagacity .
13 But I think if Durex were free and readily available , fellas would be more responsible .
14 Even if the media did inflate the ‘ winter of discontent ’ , even if Callaghan was unlucky when the Scottish National Party chose to commit political suicide in revenge for the failure of Labour 's devolution proposals , by supporting the Tories ' ‘ no confidence ’ motion in the Commons , Callaghan 's procrastination and the effects of his autocratic dealings with the unions were surely the main factors weakening the credibility of Labour between 1978 and 79 .
15 If Gebrec was upset or worried about something and just wanted to be alone to think things over , ’ said Jack , ‘ he might have gone up to the belvedere , or down by the river where we went yesterday to do our painting . ’
16 This is given by AU has a negative value if Ufinal is smaller than Uinitial This occurs if the system loses energy , that is , if energy is transferred from the system to the surroundings .
17 And if Portland is colder and wetter than Palm Beach , change your route and head for Florida .
18 Nobody really cares if Morrissey is gay or not .
19 If Tim were guilty and told her so , he would not be the first person who had admitted a crime to a journalist .
20 I reckoned that the marriage could have worked if Diana was 30 and Charles 43 .
21 ‘ . Thus if Scargill was satisfied that ( a ) Branch members would accede to a call for a strike by their local officials , ( b ) that those officials would call a strike , and ( c ) that the National Executive ( over which he had a strong influence ) would sanction such strikes , then he could achieve the equivalent of a national strike without submitting it to the membership at large for their endorsement .
22 Like if Nick was dead and I was remembering the things we 'd done this year , perhaps .
23 It is leadership only if America is convinced that others will follow — that is the contingency .
24 But then if Lubavitch is right and the messianic age is upon us , the criticisms will scarcely matter very much .
25 Yeah Michelle knocking at the door to see if Julie was ready and all that .
26 If Knock is OK and Lourdes is highly commended and the Shroud of Turin is possibly miraculous and the liquefied blood of St Januarius is positive , not negative — then where does the line end ?
27 If James was right and they could count on contingents from every part of the strath , they would be a force indeed — a mass big enough to frighten the most assured gentleman .
28 A question that puzzled some followers of Zarathustra in later times was that , if Ohrmazd was all-powerful and so destined to overthrow Ahriman , why did this not happen immediately , so that the world would have been spared all the suffering caused by the conflict between them ?
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