Example sentences of "if [pers pn] be [adj] they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I go to my clients to collect I always ask if they have any hand-knitted woollen garments they do n't need , and if I 'm lucky they give me some .
2 Let them play on the swing , even if you are scared they will fall off .
3 Even if you 're brilliant they still wo n't give it to you .
4 So they 'd say erm write down the I mean if you 're lucky they 'll give perh perhaps on some questions they 'll give it to you and on others they 'll say write it down .
5 Already the ‘ What I want for Christmas ’ letters are pouring into Mr Brooke , although the goodies ( we do n't know for certain what they will amount to — that would spoil the surprise — but if we are lucky they may amount to £36 million per sector ) will not be dispensed for two years at least .
6 Because , you know like if people can get a foot caught round them , if they 're individual they they come out
7 If they 're procedural they go to the procedure owner who follows them through , gives feedback to the person making the suggestion , in the way that we decided already , and if they 're not procedures then the divisional quality manager picks them up and deals with them appropriately , either within the division or by bringing .
8 if they 're two they should be lapped should n't they ?
9 If they 're guilty they should be banned indefinitely , ’ he said .
10 If they 're sensible they do and their daughters will know what it 's all about and wo n't throw themselves at the first lad who looks at them .
11 Hypostomus on the other hand , do not usually have these spines , but if they are present they are not moveable .
12 If they are confident they can , too , justify that importance to parents and , at the secondary-school stage , to employers .
13 For example , if the current exchange rate is £1 = $1.50 and speculators believe that it will shortly rise to £1 = $1.75 , then if they are correct they will make a 25c per £1 profit by holding sterling .
14 That if the poor are hungry they will eat your food , and why should they not ? : that if they are dirty they will infest you with disease , and so they should : that if you ignore them they will mug you and steal what you have , which is no more than you deserve : that if they sit barefoot at your door they will hurt your conscience and you will have to let them in .
15 If they are innocent they have nothing to fear , that 's what they always say .
16 If they are lax they are realised as short vowels , if tense as diphthongs ( this category including what I have been calling long vowels ) .
17 If they are ill they get good doctors , if there is a divorce … over the years we have worked and experimented to discover new things and remember old ones .
18 We do ask them how old they are and if they are younger they bottle out when you ask them
19 And that 's hampering the whole development process because it 's high , high wages , high wages creates migration and the whole resource allocation reflects in the economies er are disrupted and because people are moving out of agriculture because they ca n't make any money from agriculture they think they can make some money in industry like agriculture itself is being starved of capital and er so it hampers the development process , I mean it 's a complicated business but er there may well be some , some sort of strands of sense that we can draw out of this , one of which may be well if the government sectors are too large in these countries essentially it does n't matter who owns these companies whether it 's , they were privately owned or government , erm if they are inefficient they are inefficient
20 Most of the top sailors start here , so be careful who you position yourself next to since if they are fast they will soon take your wind .
21 Yes , well we decided that if they were bilingual they could still be used in
22 And then they were raked into Well we just er If they were dry they were raked into big swathes , to be near where you could build the tramp coles But if they were n't you would put them into little coles and the and then they were the little coles was put up t t together to make a bigger one .
23 But even if they were awake they would n't ask questions .
24 If they were new they 'd be a in a packet .
25 If they were good they had a choice : share a banana split , or a trip to the pet shop to watch the gerbils screw .
26 Despite signing the odd turkey , in the uncharacteristically naive belief that if they were English they must be good , Souness dismantled the old Ibrox Calvinism , and replaced it with a corporate attitude finely attuned to the modern world .
27 The ground was soft there and if they were lucky they would land on the pile of hay he kept for his horse .
28 But it 's the war , ’ she added without guile , and because the chief had taken a liking to the woman with the thick Liverpool accent who met her gaze without flinching , she told them to cut along to the galley ; if they were lucky they might just make standeasy .
29 They could see that there were problems presented in the work of Davy or Faraday ; and if they were lucky they might in a later course see the problem solved , only as ever to raise more .
30 The recruiting sergeant told them all to disembark , stretch their legs and grab another cup of char , and added that if they were lucky they might even get something to eat .
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