Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [vb past] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 It was only eight-thirty and it did n't seem likely that I 'd go to bed early , if I went at all .
2 Whoever she was — if she existed at all — she went with us through the mild , cleaned-up sordor of Soho side streets .
3 His tender , almost lazy exploration of her body swelled her love till she felt that if she died at this very moment she would have lived her life to the full .
4 Quickly , she put on her coat and hat , looking round fearfully as if she expected at any moment to feel Sikes ' heavy hand on her shoulder .
5 To complete the welcome , she had — on Aunt Bridget 's advice — paid particular attention to her own appearance , making sure that if she smelt at all , it was a dried of lavender .
6 If you looked at that picture long enough , Master , you 'd believe you were in Hell itself , ’ Ranulf murmured .
7 So ideally if you looked at that come to that .
8 I think it would be better — and we would both find it easier — if you looked at those in your own time ?
9 They 're kept warm When you saw those little babies last week that were born very , very premature , apart from being very small , if you looked at those arms and legs and their bodies what was the noticeably different about them than a full term baby ?
10 And if if this was covered up here I E this this black dot was say made white let's say , we 'd only have two matching and if that was made white we 'd have one and then if we changed at all that top row we 'd have zero matching .
11 But I would have thought that one lot of er papers would either have gone to the archives office or er been retained in the Advertiser if they amalgamated at some time .
12 Of course , this group at Ephesus must have heard something about the Holy Spirit if they listened at all attentively to John the Baptist , but they did not realise that the promised Spirit was available for them ; that he could make a difference to their lives .
13 Now they could then say well that particular group of people , if they looked at this evidence that I 've got , would want to say this about it and they would want to change it in such and such a way , and there 's another group of people who perhaps have rather different views on what history might be doing and they would view the evidence and argue about it in this way .
14 What men would her own two children marry , if they married at all ?
15 If they worked at all , they were late , had huge cost overruns , failed to live up to expectations , and lost out to their rivals ' more carefully thought through systems .
16 Also , the detailed cross-tabulations ( not in the Appendix ) showed that when APR and/or total credit cost was lower for shorter repayment periods , people who had originally chosen the very longest possible repayment period tended to switch — if they switched at all — to a repayment period right at the other end of the scale .
17 When people were shown APR to start with , and then additionally shown the total cost of credit , they more often switched to a shorter repayment period ( if they switched at all — and differences were very small anyway ) .
18 If they differed at all , the differences would seem to have resided only in their membership — in specific individuals or personalities .
19 This was especially so with people who were likely to borrow large sums of money , if they borrowed at all .
20 in the erm living room , or dining lounge , what other light fittings did people buy apart from that , if they did at all ?
21 My understanding is that A those do n't exist at present within the deposit plan , but if they did at some future date , for any reason , that their function would be to be used after two thousand and six to sustain the permanence of the greenbelt .
22 They seemed to look through and beyond him and to focus — if they focused at all — on something infinitely remote .
23 Many , for example , talked about the gangs they had once been involved in but these gangs , if they remained at all , were not , as one Town Boy said , ‘ a shadow of what they used to be ’ .
24 For the opportunity , if it existed at all , to make such a change would have occurred only in the context of a much more broadly based revolutionary movement .
25 It could be like the mysterious caller on the telephone to Mr Wallace requesting the visit to Qualtrough Avenue : you just did not know if it existed at all .
26 The sun came late in December if it came at all .
27 So we see the difficulties of defining even a recent period of earth history , and the protagonists of the varied viewpoints would probably ( if it mattered at all ) argue just as fiercely as stratigraphers over the boundaries .
28 By stating that he rarely went to the theatre , and needed to be forcibly taken there if he went at all , he managed to lay bare the inadequacies of modern drama and defined the conditions of a new sort of drama altogether .
29 If he came at all .
30 If he exaggerated at all , it was in supposing that anything I might say mattered all that much .
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