Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [adv] do [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It seems as if I really do need to lie down , ’ she said faintly , and then he had swept her off the ground and was carrying her to one of the low , comfortable sofas in a private alcove where donors who were feeling faint could eat and drink in peace and quiet as they recovered .
2 The only good thing , the only good thing about La the only good thing about Labour is that they would have brought back student grants so if I ever , if I ever do go to university then I 'll get lots of money .
3 you can , and then I thought well if I ever do get grandchildren , no , I 'll keep it .
4 When I was younger they used to say if I ever did want to go to bed with somebody to ask to go on the Pill .
5 ‘ Hey , if I ever did sign on , I 'd need a pseudonym . ’
6 A couple of months before , my Dad said if I ever did get pregnant he 'd chuck me out , so I thought they would . "
7 She stood up slowly , taking time to understand — if she ever did understand it , which was more than he did himself .
8 I was n't at all sure if she really did love me — and , as you know , it turned out she did n't .
9 In the end the student asked the lady if she really did mean that her grocer was a counter-service shop and the old lady replied , ‘ Oh yes , it 's counter-service all right .
10 If she really did meet him , how many people would know about it ?
11 It would be different if you really did love him , but I do n't think you do … certainly not enough to make the kind of sacrifices that would be necessary if you did marry him . ’
12 No … not if you really did do it for Mummy , of course … ’
13 ‘ After our night together , when Peter turned up next day , you were so savage , as if you really did believe all those terrible things you were saying about me — I do n't understand why you changed so suddenly — ’
14 If you really do feel under stress , find five minutes to sit quietly and relax .
15 If you really do love your pasta , it is probably best to allow yourself to indulge in a sensible pasta for your main course .
16 Not if you really do want to be the Chancellor one fine day .
17 If you really do want to help me , I need your unquestioning support , not your childish tantrums every time I do or say something you do n't like . ’
18 Carrie said slowly , ‘ If you really do hate it here , then we ought to tell someone . ’
19 Good gracious , ’ she breathed , ‘ if you really do believe that Rob and I are conducting some sultry little affair , do you think that either of us would be fool enough to use an office which adjoins yours ? ’
20 I think it would prefer to blame somebody who 's already responsible — as you 'll know if you really do read the papers — for every dead dog and blocked drain right across the world .
21 And if you really do have any feelings left for me , then you wo n't try to stop me . ’
22 If you really do have a twin then the chances of finding Garry can only be better if you 're with me . ’
23 I wonder if you ever did intend to keep the date you made with Jean , or was it just some power game you like to play ?
24 You 're , you , so you 're perhaps here just to find out what trouble you could get into if you ever did agree to do an interview ?
25 If you ever do want to talk about it , please do come and see me .
26 " And probably get killed for wounding an Owsla officer , if you ever do get back ?
27 ‘ You 'll need a solid week of ritual baths when you get home … if you ever do get home .
28 At the same time you 've got to try when there 's a break in the in the shouting to explain that the longer they shout the c more it 's gon na cost if you actually do do the removal ,
29 What would it mean if we actually did discover the ultimate theory of the universe ?
30 ‘ But when are we going to get it , if we ever do get it ?
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