Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] that " in BNC.

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1 I thought if I told him that he 'd be bound to make a proper search — not in the house , I do n't mean , I 've looked in the house — but among other solicitors she might have gone to .
2 ‘ What if I told you that I was a Conservative ? ’
3 ‘ Would it help if I told you that Norman has already discussed what was said with me ?
4 If I told you that you had a good many things I am interested in ? ’
5 Would you be surprised if I told you that the seven major shareholders in GEC , Westinghouse , Con Edison , NBC , and CBS , are Mr El , Mr Elolhim , and Mr Adonai , YHWH Inc. , Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh , Shaddai Holdings , and Zebaot International ? ’
6 ‘ If I said that I trusted you , ’ she whispered , forcing the words to form , ‘ if I told you that , come what may , I trusted you , would you still be confused ? ’
7 ‘ But if I told you that Harvey borrowed two paperback books from me last night . ’
8 If I told you that , I doubt whether the number would remain untapped for very long .
9 I do n't know if I told you that we have acquired another cat ?
10 Can I say do n't feel obliged to answer if if I take it that your silence means acquiescence then I 'm quite happy .
11 And if I tell thee that his Guavas , Pawpaws , Ginger and Lime are in such plenty that yearly he makes abundance of wet sweetmeats , of his own growth that serves his table and makes presents to his friends .
12 If I tell him that they will fine you .
13 IF I tell you that this is the perfect time to go out and buy a record deck , you will no doubt put me down as the sort of person who invested heavily in Betamax video , eight-track tape and the Sinclair C5 : a sucker for doomed formats .
14 Maybe it 's not easy to see what all this has to do with cancer , but you must bear with me if I tell you that it has .
15 ‘ Would you care to modify it if I tell you that we have reason to believe that you recognised Wetherby at dinner on Thursday night ? ’
16 If I tell you that Maureen actually had to give him the kiss of life twice when he caught a chill , you 'll appreciate why we went to such lengths to keep him warm .
17 If I tell you that I can rid you of the damned spots will ye do what I say ? ’
18 ‘ What will you say , Harry , if I tell you that I murdered Basil ? ’ asked Dorian .
19 ‘ I 'm old enough to be forgiven if I tell you that the news did n't sadden me .
20 The 4 oz in 80 oz is still the standard way most embalmers treat cases , but what if I tell you that the wheel has been re-invented ! — that there are a lot ( and I stress a lot ) of good embalmers out there who use 10,16 , 25 and even 40 , yes , 40 oz and 60 oz per 80 oz .
21 Similarly , if I tell you that I am going to move this piece of chalk in front of me , and I demonstrate look here goes right okay , same piece of chalk has moved across in front of me .
22 Edward seemed pleased to see her , however , and as he accepted Helen 's offer of coffee , he said , ‘ Sophie — you do n't mind if I call you that , do you ? — I was going to seek you in your surgery .
23 If I remind you that you are a person who is aware , receptive to new ideas and willing to give them a try , then my suggestion that you buy Ecover is likely to be well received .
24 If she told him that something he had painted worked , he believed it — at least at the beginning of their marriage .
25 Staring from the window , her mouth curved in a smile , she wondered what he would say if she told him that if he did make love to her he would be the first .
26 What would he say if she told him that she fought him because she was afraid that if she did n't she would fall in love with him ?
27 ‘ They seemed rather laden to me , but I 'll take your word for it if you tell me that it 's all general interest in my private life . ’
28 What I liked about this letter was the phrase ‘ if you tell me that I have it ’ .
29 If you tell them that to get exactly what they need it 's going to cost them thirty pounds a month , and is n't it a brilliant contract , they 'll probably have that .
30 It is certainly not unreasonable to refuse to give up a bank note which you pick up in the street to the first stranger who alleges it to be his , if you tell him that you must make further inquiries or that he must produce evidence which will authenticate his claim .
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