Example sentences of "if [pron] give him a " in BNC.

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1 Do you think if I , do you think if I gave him a fright , s see the , time he says he 's going off to his granny 's and I say away you go , and my mam says she 's not taking him .
2 What would Fen say if she gave him a truthful answer , told him that Hugh had done her a good turn , jilted her before she could make the most dreadful mistake of her life ?
3 He 'd loved her and left her once , and if she gave him a chance he 'd do it again .
4 Er I 'm not too sure where he lives cos he just , I think he 's just new to the town but if you give him a ring erm on the 's phone number and use the
5 Christ God dealt with the problem which spoiled his image in us and he has to do it because of fundamental thing , he 's got ta do it from the centre , you know you can get an apple , an ordinary apple and you can polish it up and you can have it so that it 's bright and glistening and the red is almost you know it , it , it , it almost dazzles you the shining on it , it 's got a real good polish on the skin , but inside , there 's a grub , and all the polishing in the world does n't get rid of the grub , and you see that 's so often what we do , we polish and polish away on the outside , that 's gon na make us better but it 's only skin deep because inside the grub is having a field day , he 's having a party of all party 's , he 's got an whole apple to himself and the grub of sin in your life and in my life is having , has a field day and we polish the outside and we try and make it look good and we be we become presentable and there like the apple on the market stall it looks good , it looks tremendous until you take a bite out of it and you see in the bit that you 've bitten there 's a , there 's a hole going through and you wonder where the grub is , is it in the bit that 's left or in the bit that you 've eaten and this is just like sin you see in our lives and so God in Christ he did n't deal with the outside bit , he did n't bother trying to make our conditions better , he did n't bother trying to work on the outside , that 's the difference between the gospel and social work and there 's nothing wrong with social work , it 's just that it 's going , it 's coming from the wrong end , it starts on the outside , it will educate people if we give them better housing , if we give them better circumstances , if we give them better wages , now all these things are right and that we should have them , but that does n't make any difference , you see , the person is a sinner , all he becomes if you educate him is an educated sinner , if you give him a huge pay rise all he becomes is a rich sinner , if you put him in a palace all he becomes is er a sinner living in a palace , it does n't make any basic difference to the person .
6 " He 'll be all right , you know , if we give him a chance , " said Hazel to Bigwig by the lake .
7 He said when were moving her bedroom around , if he , if we give him a shout he 'll come over and help .
8 Dorcas said he thought it would n't do any harm if we gave him a hand , sort of thing , ’ said the nome nervously .
9 He was willing , if they gave him a suitable hostage to ensure their good faith , to allow Berwick ten more days of siege , whereafter , if they were not relieved by the so-called Regent , they must surrender .
10 Agnew , however , is not certain that he wants to uproot his family — even if it gives him a chance to resurrect his career .
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