Example sentences of "if [pron] think you [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The only problem will arise if somebody thinks you 've simply lost a will , which does occasionally happen , and then they turn to the copy to try and prove it .
2 If she thinks you need medicine the doctor will write a note so the medicine can be collected from the chemist .
3 Keep a sample of the plant or seed that you suspect , even if you think you know what it is — and especially if you do n't .
4 Er let's see if you think you know what it is .
5 If you think you know it all and feel you are a good skier , Kevin Batchelor and Tony Ball are probably not for you .
6 If you think you know Julius so well , and you 're sure you 're the kind of person he wants , then tell me something , ’ she said with soft malice .
7 okay , pretend that you 're that building and I want you to describe yourself and and I want the rest of the class to see if they can guess what it is and how long they take it they take to guess okay , and if you think you know what that person is , put your hand up do n't do n't shout out .
8 Now if you think you know what building or place is , put your hand up , but I think what we 'll do is actually let him get to the end of his description first .
9 I said if yo if you think you know that you might be able to build a relationship I said then er you know , tell her so I said and do n't try and run the both of them at the same time I said
10 If you think you 've already got a hammer drill , then it 's time to think again !
11 Having perfected this petulant stance , all he can do is reiterate it — with a self-deprecating acknowledgement of the onset of self-parody : ‘ Stop Me if You Think You 've Heard This One Before ’ , ‘ Sweet and Tender Hooligan ’ , where the chorus is simply ‘ et cetera , et cetera ’ …
12 If you think you 've got it bad now , how would you like to be paid six shillings a ton to collect pebbles along the cold surf in Norfolk ?
13 If you think you 've got time .
14 ‘ Stop Me If You Think You 've Heard This One Before ’ was an all too obvious attack on the band 's critics and ‘ Death Of A Disco Dancer ’ was pure Pink Floyd .
15 Now , if you think you 've got the answers , get dialling .
16 If you think you 've got the dullest hair in the world , take a little inspiration from our four models .
17 The 50-minute collection includes promos for ‘ Girlfriend In A Coma ’ , ‘ Stop Me If You Think You 've Heard This One Before ’ , ‘ Ask ’ and ‘ Panic ’ , plus ‘ The Queen Is Dead — A Film By Derek Jarman ’ and rare live/TV footage .
18 I do n't care if you think you 've got nothing , I want to hear what you know , what you found out . ’
19 It wo n't always work , if you think you 've
20 And , if you think YOU 'VE got ghosts … you ca n't hold a candle to this place .
21 If you think you 've seen the CLOTHES before you 've been conned .
22 If you 've forgotten , if you think you 've forgotten you wo n't really forget it .
23 And if you think you owe his memory anything , you 'll know where you should stand . "
24 If you think you do , write to Van Gogh Mystery , Property , Weekend , 1 Canada Square , Canary Wharf , London E14 5DT .
25 If you think you do and you want to use the simplified divorce procedure please complete the tear-off portion on the last page of this leaflet and send it to the address shown .
26 If you think you do n't qualify , you may need to apply for a divorce in the ordinary way and you should consult a solicitor .
27 Ask for a blood test even if you think you have had German Measles .
28 Though people expect illness to become more frequent in old age , you should not assume that nothing can be done , but should consult your doctor if you think you have a health problem .
29 If you think you have , we want to hear from you .
30 Though people expect illness to become more frequent in old age , you should not assume that nothing can be done , but should consult your doctor if you think you have a health problem .
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