Example sentences of "if [pron] might [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some weeks later my brother and I were passing through London , and I asked if I might bring him to see her .
2 And and it is also perhaps distracted er attention from the interesting disagreements also taking place at the Labour party conference this week between the one more pushes , if I might describe them and the hard liners who believe you 've got to be radical .
3 Now , I wonder if I might trouble you .
4 I wonder if I might trouble you with two additional queries , however .
5 Er , he may be concerned but my Lord erm , there has been reference to the er the professional negligence and and my Lord there is a bit I have in court , I 'm afraid the second edition because the third edition which is the latest , was not available to me this morning , but there 's a paragraph in it and I want to refer your Lordship to it , I wonder if I might read it and er hand it up to your Lordship .
6 But how I longed to be gallant , as they say ; to ask her if I might kiss her on both cheeks if I gave her my two violets .
7 An East and West Association had been formed and I took an early opportunity of asking if I might address it .
8 But I would b , e very glad if I might see you on your return to ask you to help me in two cases .
9 Other women ceased to exist for Edouard ; he gently terminated his affair with Clara Delluc , and Isobel , knowing this woman had meant more to him than any of the others , asked if she might meet her ; she did , and the two women became friends .
10 She felt the steel strength of his arms around her and her skin quivered from the warmth of his breath on her cheek before he released her as if she might contaminate him .
11 But sometimes he had to laugh at this , for if anything she seemed stronger than ever and it was beginning to look as if she might outlast him .
12 Next day a great buzzard asked if she might join them .
13 she asked if she might try it on — and several more .
14 She picked a saucepan off the cooker and raised it high , as if she might fling it across the kitchen like a hatchet .
15 She had not yet been interviewed on television or radio , but we thought it worthwhile approaching her private secretary to see if she might consider it .
16 As a young man I believe that the purpose of painting was to make something took real , and I have never abandoned the idea , even if you might think it an old fashioned concept .
17 ‘ I wonder if you might tell us of a local hostelry where I can purchase a good dinner ?
18 I I wondered if you might ask him .
19 ‘ I wonder , Inspector , if we might ask you one or two questions to get a clear picture , as it were ? ’
20 St Bartholomew 's church at Covenham was declining to the state of danger when a parish in California asked if they might have it and ship it stone by stone to the U.S.A. This caused much controversy for a while but finally it was decided that it should remain and be safely maintained on its original consecrated site .
21 There was a faint sticky feeling to it , as if it might trap you if you tried to struggle against it — but no one would want to struggle against this , thought Fenella , bemused with delight .
22 She had a glass of gin in her hand , but she was not drinking it , just holding it as if it might offer her the cheer and support that she might not otherwise find elsewhere .
23 Yes I wonder if it might help you sir if I erm if I submit a copy of the plan ?
24 As I passed the bakery on my way home , Didier ran out of the shop to greet me and asked if he might accompany me .
25 ‘ Danzig ’ , called my mum , as I disappeared into the house , ‘ looked as if he might do it .
26 ‘ I would n't have thought so , unless Robert Sheldrake has asked if he might bring her with him . ’
27 He stayed by Miss Groundwater 's side , and at the end , when everyone was leaving , asked if he might escort her home .
28 She displayed no interest in any of the social events he said he was going to and wondered if he might see her at .
29 Father looked as if he might hit me again .
30 If anything might rouse him now
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