Example sentences of "if [pron] [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Let the baby suck regularly — even if nothing comes out at first — and the milk should start coming through again .
2 ‘ You 're saying that if someone goes up from the North Pole , and keeps going in a dead straight line a really truly dead straight line — they will eventually come to the Earth — ahead of them ?
3 So when you , if someone camps on to you , is that what happens , if I take my desk , there 's an unusual amount of ringing and nobody there when I actually pick it up .
4 4 to 5 is relatively easy and if someone starts off at 5 they do n't need any persuading at all ( attempts to persuade them may irritate them so much that they start to move to the left ! ) .
5 Erm what actually happens if someone comes up to you in the night and says , My house has been burgled .
6 Do not wear a personal stereo headset so that you are unaware if someone comes up behind you .
7 If someone comes out with a car that looks like ours , that has the same windscreen , a roll bar in the same position and so on , that did not happen by accident .
8 If someone comes in with a litter of four-month-old puppies and I take them in , would you believe they just come back six months later with the bitch 's next log !
9 If somebody comes up with a suggestion for a change to a procedure , at this meeting , yes you should be looking at what that suggestion for change is but all of you round the table should be thinking , well does that change adversely effect other jobs in our areas and it should n't happen that you will get change after change after change .
10 I mean , if somebody comes up to you and says , ‘ I had a touch of flatulence , ’ you think , ‘ You farted . ’
11 The classical thing is if somebody comes up to you and asks what a physicist does , that 's the hardest question to answer .
12 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
13 Erm , er , now of course to get back to the ambulance erm if somebody comes out of an epileptic fit and goes immediately back into another one , then you must call an ambulance , it takes so much from the person , it takes so much energy that the person ca n't possible go into one fit after another , erm without showing some affects and therefore you would have to get them to hospital , if you do n't and they have two or three fits one after another they can die , so they must go to hospital .
14 Well , if somebody walks round with a pen or a pencil , or crayons .
15 Just that I think Susanna wants to spanner to work , her bike 's not here otherwise I 'd have if she gets back in time , fair enough .
16 if she parks down in the door and he comes up
17 You 're meant either to run a mile , or else collapse back happily : oh yes , if she turns out like that , I can more than handle it .
18 ‘ She went back to work very quickly after her operation and if she goes on with her busy life as she fully intends to do , she needs a day or two off occasionally .
19 Well I mean for the first year she wo n't be in if she goes in as a student she 'll be in college .
20 This can be reduced a little if she goes in with all she needs for the first few days : a clean dressing-gown , slippers , a change of night clothes and bedjacket and all the toilet articles and other small items she is likely to want .
21 I usually make her coffee , and if she runs out of fags or needs summat from the shops , I go for her .
22 what happens if she runs out of books .
23 ‘ She 'll be worth nothing at all if she runs out on us .
24 The form of service and the choice of hymns , if any , should be your parent 's , and if she is hoping to see her husband 's coffin surrounded by flowers on its last journey , nobody should suggest to her that she should instead consider asking relatives and friends to send donations to a suitable charity , for this may upset her deeply , and if she gives in to it , it may become a burning resentment in her later on .
25 I wonder if she carries on like that in London ? ’
26 If she carries on like that with her kids and all they 're going to be like her .
27 Does anyone have any objections if she carries on till the end of the year ?
28 And er she says Jean I swear to God she says if she comes over near my door , I 've told Jim she says , I , I 'm ready for her I 'll beat her round that square and she said I 'm not like that but she says that 's just the way she says , and she hurt my kids when I sent them Easter eggs over , doing that she says , that really galled me , she says cos they were hurting my kids rather than me .
29 And if she comes back to the house , she wo n't be able to find me , so I got to stay there .
30 If she comes out by that hole her only route must be through the cage , in which she is then recaptured .
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