Example sentences of "if [pron] [vb mod] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Devastated I may be , but I 'm damned if I 'll give her the satisfaction of hearing me beg for mercy .
2 But how I longed to be gallant , as they say ; to ask her if I might kiss her on both cheeks if I gave her my two violets .
3 I 'm particularly concerned perhaps if I may ask her to show some concern for this herself that the remoteness of the newspaper library , way up in the rustic further regions of the Northern Line , the great virtue of the existing site is that 's on the Inner Circle , the accessibility of this site is really its greatest virtue .
4 ‘ It 's ridiculous , I know , but I feel as if I should know her , as if I 've seen her before somewhere . ’
5 Erm , I wondered if I should ask her if she 's going to the chinese tomorrow if she wants to drop in on the way home .
6 If I can lie with her once , thought Fergus , if I can taste the sweetness , if I can possess her just once , she will be forever mine …
7 but so I 'm going to ring up tomorrow and see if I can see her .
8 Shall I go and see if I can find her ? "
9 ‘ I 'll go and see if I can find her , ’ said Mrs Wimbush .
10 But I mean if I can get her to start somehow and I think it 's got ta be this one .
11 ‘ I have to decide first if I will have her !
12 I have n't seen her in years , I 'm not even sure if I 'd recognize her … " she finished doubtfully .
13 What if I could offer her a proper home , a proper family , with two parents ?
14 What if I could offer her both a father and a mother ? ’
15 With the TV cameras there , Julian Wilson asked Mr Webber if I could pop her over the fence .
16 After a while , though , she pulled herself together and , leaving one copy on her desk , took the other down to the secretarial room and asked if someone could run her off two more copies , ideally before the board meeting .
17 For a heart-constricting moment she wondered if somebody would catch her out .
18 Eyeing Gwen Bear , she wondered if she ought to take her down for company , then gave an enchanting little giggle .
19 Other women ceased to exist for Edouard ; he gently terminated his affair with Clara Delluc , and Isobel , knowing this woman had meant more to him than any of the others , asked if she might meet her ; she did , and the two women became friends .
20 She clasped her daughter 's hand in despair , as if she would pull her back from the falsely-beckoning light .
21 Patsy asked Mrs Hogan if she 'd like her to wet another pot of tea .
22 This being a movie , Sandra is recognised , by a young American woman who won her place in the workshop in a competition and who now , shyly , politely , asks if she can trouble her for an autograph .
23 She gripped Fand almost roughly , as if she could hold her back from dying .
24 ‘ Emma saw her in Bamford and asked her if she could send her the book to sign and Harriet said yes , of course .
25 Then she picked up her internal telephone and , very civilly , asked Clare if she could spare her half an hour or so — yes , before the meeting ; yes , as soon as possible .
26 She went to the reception and a smiling woman in a white blouse and neat grey skirt rose up and asked if she could help her .
27 What would Miss Henry say if she could see her now — Miss Henry , who only an hour ago had been exhorting her to cultivate dignity and repose !
28 She was sitting on the opposite side of the grate and Louise Carter thought fleetingly how proud Nora had always been of her daughter even when they had been dramatically at loggerheads and how pleased she would be if she could see her now , in her elegant black dress and silver jewellery .
29 " I would be grateful if you would tell her that this house also belongs to me .
30 He asks if you would inform her as soon as possible that her son has had a serious accident and would she go straight to the hospital .
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