Example sentences of "if [adj] [is] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Smith and Efford will both have to win if Labour is to secure the 326 seats it needs to form a Government with an overall majority .
2 If Labour is to have a role in Scotland , then it surely must be to be in the forefront of that fight with the Scottish people .
3 Sir : If Labour is to suggest the setting up of a specialist labour court ( 30 September ) , then such a momentous change in the industrial relations system deserves more discussion , and needs to be taken out of the hot-house of Labour Party conference politics .
4 Now either way , obviously it 's a head injury and must be dealt with , but we 're going to do an overall thing here by saying right , now the next one on the list is concussion now concussion is shaking of the brain inside the skull now there 's noth no room for anything but the brain inside that skull , so if that 's shaken the brain hits against the sides of the bra of the er bone , and bruises so what actually happens here is the brain gets shaken and the nerve cells get damaged now you 've all seen this con and it 's so easily done concussion , you can go through a whole list of things which can cause concussion , road traffic accident , sport , construction working erm anything that erm , heading ball , football that 's another one that erm you get quite a bit of concussion and of course boxing
5 If this is done the tenants and their staff should be expressly prohibited from using the visitors ' car park and time limits on parking there should be imposed .
6 By using the correct shade of gloss paint the repair will be invisible , and if this is repeated every year , it will postpone complete repainting for several years .
7 If this is to labour the obvious , it is because the formulation quoted above serves to anticipate the conclusion that a statute should attach to non-owners the same rights and liabilities .
8 If this is passed the government falls : however , despite the fact that such motions are debated every few months , only one has succeeded since the constitution was drawn up in 1958 .
9 If this is to identify a Warwickshire weakness , it must be said that the 1991 season exceeded all predictions .
10 One old chap said , ‘ What 's up lad , tha ’ looks as if tha 's seen a ghost ! ’
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