Example sentences of "their [det] [noun sg] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and certainly I think I think in going to neighbourhood panels it was it was to serve a democratic process of tenants being able to panels local to their that area and I think in that sense erm it has been successful and certainly , I think as far as we were concerned er , it avoids the perhaps intimidating nature of , of tenants appearing in a large centre of the various panel which er I think was er , certainly one of the members wishes when we started on a neighbourhood basis but , yes it was our intention and , I would think that it 's quite reasonable to ask us to bring the report to the next meeting er with a better explanation of how the council works so far .
2 Thus Johnson replicates these occupations ' concern with their own organisation and their rhetoric of the ignorance ( vulnerability ) of the client .
3 An individual 's sexuality is their own affair and they will come to terms with it when they are ready to .
4 Around 4.5 million people have a problem with their own drinking or someone in their family .
5 On the other hand , British political leaders gave priority to what Churchill had called their own dream and their own task .
6 All over the burrow , both the newcomers and those who were at home were accustoming themselves to each other in their own way and their own time ; getting to know what the strangers smelt like , how they moved , how they breathed , how they scratched , the feel of their rhythms and pulses .
7 The Euro Cities Conference was also important because it was the founding of that organisation formally and it was important to go there and say to the big monopoly that 's emerging between some of the Western European cities , the big six , Birmingham , Barcelona , Frankfurt , Rotterdam , Milan and Strasbourg , that they were n't gon na get it all their own way and they were n't going to monopolise those funds that were available for links with Eastern Europe .
8 There was that thing Mrs Hollidaye said , about how each person could only be brave in their own way and there was n't room on earth for everybody to be a hero .
9 Programmed texts are excellent for individualised learning since not only can students work at their own pace but they receive immediate confirmation of the correctness of their response ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
10 And of course had their own camp and their own agent 's bungalow Lyness , down on the point .
11 It would seem that the rationale behind this agenda is that ordinary people who make their own decisions , built on their own experience , who create their own pressure groups , their own education and their own work are dangerous and must be marginalised .
12 They had shot their own film and it somehow got mislaid .
13 I mean how do you protect Eurofighter two thousand in the absence of the medium range surface to air missile on the , I think you you told us about er the aircraft themselves as it were providing their own protection but what else ?
14 Many black adolescents I talked to were conscious of the differences between their own Creole and their parents ' .
15 They will then send out statements in their own name and your customers will pay them instead of you .
16 Social anthropologists can and do study members of their own society and they have been doing so for a long time , though mostly they do not do it very well .
17 He was educated in a system where pupils created their own performance and he was involved in music-making with his peers .
18 This in turn offers trainees the possibility of taking an objective look at their own performance and it gives trainers the chance to assess that performance .
19 This implies , in the absence of foundationalist or externally imposed ‘ legislation ’ , that cultural practices — e.g. in the various scientific disciplines , in the arts — must develop their own rule-boundedness and their own conditions of validity .
20 So they might design their own tattoo or they might design a fairground erm frontage , based on what they 've seen years ago
21 I think he 's got a whole metaphor going in this poem between wild animals and things that exist freely and are difficult to find and poems which are things that exist and have their own life but they are also difficult to find .
22 She knows that they come to life under her touch , and that they may carry their own life and their creator be forgotten .
23 I 'm a strong advocate of black people interpreting their own life and their own vision . ’
24 Nowhere is this more obvious than in the music press where critics collect their own charts , their own thought and their own egos .
25 Yeah they they do n't seem to like I I know that in Wick a lot of the folk in Wick have have two se they 've got their own dialect and they 've got English .
26 Liverpool engineered their own downfall and I do n't think I 'm sticking my neck by saying Spartak have got no chance of winning that competition .
27 In school , teachers show what they expect of children in terms of work and behaviour , they provide models for children by their own conduct and they feed back to children what they judge to be acceptable performance .
28 Many were the results of private enterprise by barons concerned with their own defence and their own private wars .
29 Both pulls are strong and theories which purport to reconcile them tend to be fragile , even though they capture a stout commonsense conviction that , as Marx put it , ‘ Men make their own history but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves . ’
30 So many women today were independent high achievers , controlling their own money and their own lives .
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